Main Body

9 Lesson 19. 색깔은 괜찮은데 사이즈가 좀 커요.

 학습 목표 Goals

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Ask and answer questions and share opinions about clothes, sizes, and colors while shopping.
  • Promise someone to do something.

들어가기 Setting Up

Lesson Focus

짝하고 얘기해 봐요! Share your thoughts!

What is your favorite color and clothing item? Talk with your classmates about your clothes shopping experiences. What seems to be happening in the following dialogue?

In this lesson, you will learn how to ask and answer questions and share opinions about clothes and colors while shopping.

단어 Ingredients

Color Terms 색

까만색 노란색 빨간색 초록색 파란색 하얀색/흰색
black yellow red green blue white

Clothing 옷

티셔츠 치마 바지 청바지 코트 모자
t-shirt skirt pants jeans coat hat
안경 반지 선글라스 구두 신발 운동화
glasses ring sunglasses dress shoes shoes sneakers

Wear Verbs

쓰다 신다 끼다 벗다
to wear (a hat) to wear (shoes) to wear (glasses) to take off (clothing items)

 Other Vocabulary and Useful Expressions

price 짧다 to be short
고객(님) customer 불편하다 to be uncomfortable, inconvenient
사이즈 size 그냥 불편하다
세일 sale 싸게 cheaply
현금 cash 천천히 slowly
무슨 색 what color (으)로 as, for
길다 to be long 잘 어울리다 to go well (with something, on someone)
필요하다 to be necessary
그냥 구경 좀 하려고요. I am just browsing (looking). 어떠세요? How is it?

단어 메모지 Vocabulary Notes

1. Color Terms

There are two types of color terms in Korean.  One is native, and the other borrowed from Chinese.  Native color terms are the 5 core color terms, red, yellow, blue, white, and black. The native Korean color terms can be color nouns when you add the noun 색 after them, and they can modify a following noun with or without 색:

무슨 색 좋아해요?

노란색                 빨간색                       파란색                  하얀색                          까만

노란 신발            빨간  구두                  파란  하늘            하얀  칠판                     까만  가방

노란색 신발         빨간색 구두               파란색 하늘         하얀색 칠판                  까만색 가방

Besides the five core color words, most other color terms (borrowed from Chinese) are nouns and they (always) end in the word 색, which means color.  If you want to modify a noun to describe the color of the item (e.g., brown shoes), you can simply put the color noun in front of the noun you are trying to describe:

초록색 티셔츠     green T-shirt              주황색 모자         orange hat


2. 이, 그, 저 this, that, that over there

While in English we have only this and that, Korean establishes three referent locations. 이 is a demonstrative adjective (like “this shirt”) that indicates that the item is near the speaker.  그 denotes a location near the listener.  And 저 denotes a location far from both the speaker and the listener. There is no different set of words for plurals; that is, no this vs. these.

티셔츠               this T-shirt (close to ME)      모자       that hat (close to YOU)

운동화               those sneakers over there

이, 그, and 저are combined with 거/것thing and markers as in the chart below. 것 is the full form (a bit more formal) and 거 is a shortened form of 것. There are also contracted conversational forms with markers attached.

  Written (full) forms Intermediate contracted forms Conversation forms
이, 그, 저 + 것/거 +  이/가 이것이, 그것이, 저것이 이거가, 그거가, 저거가 이게, 그게, 저게
이, 그, 저 + 것/거 + 은/는 이것은, 그것은, 저것은 이거는, 그거는, 저거는 이건, 그건, 저건

발음 가이드 Pronunciation Guide

Pronunciation of

The syllable 의 is pronounced as [으+이] in one syllable with the emphasis on the [으] when it is at the beginning of a word (e.g. 의자, 의사, 의복, 의도) but is pronounced as 이 otherwise (e.g. 모의). Strangely, 희 is ALWAYS pronounced as [히] regardless of where it comes in the word!

Practice reading out loud the following words.

희망 hope                     흰색 white                    수희 Soohee

단어 연습 Vocabulary Exercises

연습 1. Find out the following information and report to the class!

(맛보기) 가: 눈1은 무슨 색이에요?                      나: 하얀색이에요!

청바지 사과 바나나
크리스마스 St. Patrick’s Day 태극기2 성조기3 Your own!

Helpful Vocabulary

주황색: orange                  남색: navy              보라색: purple                  분홍색/핑크색: pink

자주색: purple                   회색: grey              베이지색: tan, beige          카키색: olive green

1 눈: snow

2 태극기: Korean national flag

3 성조기: Stars and Stripes

연습 2. Find out the following information and report to the class!

Put a check mark next to the items that you and your friend(s) are wearing now.

티셔츠 치마 바지 청바지 코트 모자
안경 반지 선글라스 구두 신발 운동화

연습 3. Wear verbs

Write the correct verb for each clothing item: 입다, 끼다, 쓰다, 신다, and 벗다

1) 옷을 ___________                                        5) 치마를 ___________


2) 운동화를 ___________                                 6) 모자를 ___________


3) 안경을 ___________                                     7) 반지를 ___________


4) 집에서 신발을 ___________                         8) 티셔츠를 _____________

연습 4. 쇼핑하기

Choose the appropriate expressions from the box below and complete the dialogue. Then, do a role play with your classmate.

입어 볼 수 있어요?                     어떠세요?                                 마음에 들어요

잘 어울리시네요                       그냥 구경 좀 하려고요.              뭐 찾으세요?                현금으로

가: 어서 오세요! ________________?

나: __________________________.

가: 네, 그럼 천천히 보세요.

(고객이 마음에 드는 옷을 찾았어요)

나: 저기요! 이 티셔츠 _____________________?

가: 네, 저기 피팅룸에서 입어 보세요.

(고객이 옷을 입었어요)

가: ___________________!

나: _________________. 이거 세일이죠?

가: _________________ 하시면 10%  빼 드릴게요.

나: 네, 그럼 흰색으로 주세요.

가: 네, 알겠습니다.

문법과 표현 Recipe

1. A–(으)ㄴ/V–는데 so, but, and….

1. A–(으)ㄴ데/V는데

The (으)ㄴ데/는데 ending is very useful in Korean. It is used as a sentence connector indicating the background for the second clause. It translates to something like and, so, but, ellipses (…), or semicolon (;).

신발이 마음에 드는데 사이즈가 없어요.       I like the shoes, but they don’t have my size.

고픈데 뭐 먹자.                                         I’m hungry; let’s eat something.

지금 시간 없는데 내일 만나요.                      I don’t have time now, so/but let’s meet tomorrow.


2. A–(으)ㄴ데/V는데 Conjugation

So far, you have seen that verbs and adjectives act almost the same. There are some differences, however. There is an important difference when you use the -(으)ㄴ데/는데background ending:

With verbs, add –는데 regardless of the last sound in the stem:

가: 뭐 찾으세요?                                            May I help you (What are you looking for)?

나: 하얀색 운동화 는데 어디 있을까요?     I’m looking for a pair of white sneakers. Where can I find them?

With adjectives add –은데 to consonant-ending stems, and –ㄴ데 to vowel-ending stems. Here are some examples:

가: 이 온라인 쇼핑몰 어때요?                      How about this online shopping mall?

나: 옷 값은 싼데, 서비스가 안 좋아요!        Clothes are cheap, but the service is bad!

나: 옷 값은 좋은데, 서비스가 안 좋아요!     Clothes are good, but the service is bad!

Since 있다and 없다are verbs, “adjectives” that use them take the -는데ending like verbs:

모자가 멋있는데 너무 커요.             That hat is cool, but it’s too big.

Also remember that there are 하다 verbs as well as 하다 adjectives

– they will conjugate differently for this ending

(-는데 for verbs and –(으)ㄴ데 for adjectives):

구두가 한 켤레4 필요한데 어디에서 사지요? I need a pair of dress shoes; where should I buy them>

For the most part, the English part of speech corresponds to the Korean one, but note, 필요하다 to be needed is an adjective (even though the most natural English translations use the verb to need).

For all verbs and adjectives in the past tense, you can simply add 는데.

청바지 사러 갔는데 내 사이즈가 없었어요.     I went shopping for jeans, but they didn’t have my size.
Verb Root Dictionary Form Conjugation Rule Root + ()/는데 Examples
Action Verb


Add 는데 입는데




모자가 필요한데 같이 쇼핑 가자.

I need a hat; let’s go shopping together.

김치는 파는데 된장은 안 팔아요.

They sell kimchi, but do not sell soybean paste.

Adjective (Descriptive Verb)


Add –(으)ㄴ데 큰데





사이즈가 좀 큰데 작은 걸로 주세요.

The size is a little big, so please give me a smaller one.

이 케이크는 안 단데 커피가 달아요.

This cake is not sweet, but the coffee is sweet.

Noun이다 옷이다 (이)ㄴ데 옷인데 옷인데 빨래하지 마세요.

They’re new clothes. Do not wash them.

3. A(으)ㄴ데/V는데요

You can end the sentence with (으)ㄴ데/는데 with the politeness ending 요. It has the same indication, that your statement is the background for some further consideration which may or may not be stated.

가: 뭐 찾으세요?                                         May I help you (What are you looking for)?

나: 하얀색 운동화 는데?                      I’m looking for a pair of white sneakers. (Where can I find them?)

가:  240 사이즈로 빨간색 운동화 있어요?     Do you have red sneakers in size 240?

나: 240 사이즈는 없는데요.    We do not have size 240. … implied: (so/but) Do you want something else?

-(으)ㄴ데/는데(요) is a good way to end a sentence (with a dying down voice) when you want to avoid confrontation, turn down a proposal, or to show reservation about something.

To avoid being blunt or rude, be sure to use either -요or a second clause after -(으)데/는데.

가: 내일 같이 점심 먹을래요?                      Do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow?

나: 내일은 좀 바쁜데요…                             I’m kind of busy tomorrow…

4 켤레: pair (counter for shoes, socks)

연습 1. –(으)ㄴ/는데

Combine two sentences using  ~(으)ㄴ데/는데.

(맛보기)           요즘 수영을 (배워요). 힘들어요.

(맛보기)           요즘 수영을 배우는데 힘들어요.

1) 저 드레스를 (사고 싶다). 너무 비싸요.

2) 두꺼운5 코트를 (입었다). 더워요.

3) 새 구두를 (신다). 발6이 아파요.

4) 점심에 한국 식당에서 순두부를 (먹었다). 아주 매웠어요.

5) 청바지를 (샀다). 너무 작아요.

6) 안경을 (썼다/꼈다). 작은 글씨7가 안 보여요.

7) 새 컴퓨터가 (필요하다). 컴퓨터가 너무 비싸요.

8) 빨간색을 (좋아하다). 빨간색 옷이 없어요.

5 두껍다: to be thick

6 발: foot

7 글씨: letter

연습 2. –(으)ㄴ/는데

Complete the following sentences with appropriate continuations of the sentences. Have a conversation!

(맛보기)           돈이 없다

(맛보기)           가: 돈이 없는데 어떻게 하지요?             나: 아르바이트를 해 보세요!

1) 돈이 없다

2) 배가 고프다

3) 신발이 불편하다

4) 새 옷이 필요하다

5) 머리8가 너무 길다

6) 시험이 너무 어렵다

7) 새 옷이 마음에 안 들다

8) 시험 공부를 못 했다.

8 머리: hair

연습 3. –(으)ㄴ/는데

Complete the following dialogues to turn down a proposal politely, or to show reservation.

(맛보기) 가: 오늘 저녁에 같이 저녁 먹으러 갈래요?

(맛보기) 나: (오늘 저녁에 일하다)   오늘 저녁에 일 하는데요.

1) 가: 이번 주말에 쇼핑하러 같이 가요.

1) 나: (돈이 없다)

2) 가: 내일 영화 보러 갈까요?

1) 나: (이번 주에 시험이 많다)

3) 가: 이 자켓 너무 예뻐요. 이거 사세요.

1) 나: (너무 비싸다)

4) 가: 저 빨간색 바지 입어보세요.

1) 나: (글쎄요.  저는 빨간색 옷이 안 어울리다)

5) 가: 와, 그 안경 새로 샀어요?  너무 멋있어요.

1) 나: (작년에 샀다)

6) 가: 이 빵집 케이크 정말 맛있지요?

1) 나: 네, 그런데 (좀 달다)

7) 가: 이 운동화 세일이에요?

1) 나: (그 운동화는 세일이 아니다)

8) Create your own dialogue.

2. Clothing Verbs

Korean has multiple ‘wear’ and ‘take off’ verbs that go with different clothing items. Let’s take a look at the examples below.

Clothing items Put on, Wear Take off
티셔츠 입다 to wear clothes 벗다 to take off
양말 신다 to wear shoes or socks
모자 쓰다 to put on a hat or glasses or open an umbrella.
안경/선글라스 끼다 to put on a ring or glasses (when the action is difficult to do) 빼다 to take off (or out)


까만색 드레스를 입고 파티에 갔어요.              I wore a black dress (and went) to the party.

흰색 운동화를 신고 있어요.                               She is wearing white sneakers.

비가 오네요! 우산 쓰세요.                                  It’s raining! Please put up/use an umbrella.

안에서는 신발을 벗으세요.                                Please take off your shoes inside.


Typically, clothing verbs are used in the past tense because the “past tense” ㅆ어요 in Korean expresses the completion of an event more so than an activity that took place in the past. Another way to think of it is that the “wearing” verbs actually mean “to put on,” and so to “be wearing” you have to “have put something on.” You may also use 고 있다 to describe what people are wearing.

오늘은 날씨가 더워서 반바지를 입었어요.               I am wearing/put on shorts because it is hot today.

내 동생은 오늘 코트를 입고 운동화를 신고 있어요. My younger sibling is wearing a coat and sneakers today.

연습 1. Clothing Verbs

Describe what the following people/animals are wearing.

보기: 눈사람은 모자를 썼어요. 스카프를 했어요. 1) 산타 클로스 할아버지 2) 클라운 3) 로미오하고 줄리엣
4) 레프리칸 5) 콩쥐 6) ) 장화 신은 고양이 7) 슈퍼맨
8) 배우 9) 룸메이트 10) 가수 11) 선생님

연습 2. Clothing Verbs

1) At the end of the day, Dr. Kim goes home and takes off his work outfit. What is he going to take off?

2) After a long, exciting day on the snow slope, Minji is ready to go home and change into her warm pajamas. What clothing items is she going to take off?

연습 3. Clothing Verbs

누구일까요? Who could it be?

1) Write a description of one of your classmates in as much detail as possible. (Is their hair long? What clothes and shoes are they wearing and what color are they? Any accessories?)

2) Read your description to your partner and see if they can guess who the person is! (When you are giving tips, try not to make it too obvious. Reserve obvious clues such as glasses and nose rings until the last moment so that your partner will have to keep guessing; it will be more fun!)

3) Alternatively, have your partner ask you Yes/No questions to try and guess. You can only answer yes or no. You get to pick a different person in your mind when your partner names a wrong person (a warning to the guesser: Start with general questions like ‘바지를 입었어요?’, and wait till the moment you are sure who the person is before you blurt out the name. Remember! Your partner has the right to change the person in their mind and start all over when you say the wrong name!)

Helpful Vocabulary

키가 크다/작다 머리가 길다/짧다 눈이 크다
tall/short hair is long/short eyes are big

연습 4. Clothing Verbs

소개합니다! Bring a picture of your favorite friend, singer, actor, or cartoon character. Describe them (as they look in the picture), talking about their appearances and clothing. You can also add other information about where they live and what they do.

3. (으)ㄹ게(요) Will, OK?

The sentence ending (으)ㄹ게 corresponds to the English “I will VERB,” but has a strong promissory sense to it along with the indication of a future action. For example, 할게요 I’ll do it indicates a promise or an offer or seeks the listener’s approval in some way. Therefore, it cannot be used to talk about someone else’s actions (you can’t promise for them) or about inanimate subjects such as the weather or falling objects!

Here are some examples:

The ending for “promissory future” is ()ㄹ게.  You can add 요 to express politeness. We will refer to the ending as –()ㄹ게요.

엄마: 얘, 빨리 방 청소해!                               Hey you, hurry and clean your room!

아이: 조금 이따 할게요.                                  I’ll do it in a bit.

점원: 뭐 찾으세요?                                         What are you looking for?

세영: 그냥 구경 좀 할게요.                             I will just take a look around.

You can also use -(으)ㄹ게 when you are seeking agreement on your plan.

동생:    언니, 이 치마 좀 입을게 .                   Sis, I’m going to wear this skirt today, O.K.?

언니:    응, 그래.                                                Okay.

은비:    엄마, 저 친구 집에 갈게요.                Mom, I’m going to my friend’s house, O.K.?

엄마:    그래?  너무 늦게 오지 마!                   Oh, are you?  Don’t come back too late!

One mnemonic for this ending is to think of it as “I’ll (do it), okay” for (으)ㄹ게.


(으)ㄹ게요 Conjugation

Verbs before the ending (으)ㄹ게요conjugate like they normally would before other (으) endings:

가다 갈게요 먹다 먹을게요
쓰다 쓸게요 신다 신을게요
듣다 (ㄷ irregular) 들을게요 굽다 (ㅂ irregular) 구울게요
부르다 (르 irregular) 부를게요 살다 (ㄹ irregular) 살게요
A lot of youngsters these days write (으)ㄹ게 with 쌍기역 (ㄲ) as in -(으)ㄹ. This is not a new trend found in email messages only. Some even find the spelling (으)ㄹ게요 weird!

(으)ㄹ게(요) vs. (으)ㄹ래(요)

When you use (으)ㄹ게(요), you are in the mood of promising, volunteering, or seeking agreement on your plans:

다빈:  누가 이번 주말에 청소할래?  다미, 너, 지난 주말에 청소 안 했지?

다미:  알았어. 이번 주말에는 내가 청소할게.    

When you are using (으)ㄹ래(요), you are in the mood of asserting what your immediate desire is:

동호:   피자가 한 조각이 있는데 누가 먹을래?

은비:   내가 먹을래!

In a statement, both (으)ㄹ게(요) and (으)ㄹ래(요) are used with a first person subject.  You may use “(으)ㄹ래(요)?” to ask about the listener’s desire but can never use (으)ㄹ게(요) in a question.

이거 먹을래요?            Do you wanna eat this?

네, 먹을래요.                 Sure, I will (for my benefit).

네, 먹을게요.                 Sure, I’ll eat it (if it makes you happy).

Punctuation-wise, you should NOT use (으)ㄹ게(요) with a question, although it seeks for the listener’s agreement. To express “I’m going to eat this, OK?” you should write “이거 내가 먹을게.” and not “이거 내가 먹을게?”. Use a rising intonation at the end of the long 게, perhaps like a warning in English. (Of course, if the sentence is polite, the rising intonation is put on the extended 요.)

연습 1. –(으)ㄹ게요

Complete the sentences below.

(맛보기)            제가 오늘 저녁에 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요.  (전화하다)

(맛보기)            → 제가 오늘 저녁에 전화할게요.

1) 8시까지 집에 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (돌아오다)

2) 오늘은 제가 저녁을 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (사다)

3) 이번 학기에 열심히 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (공부하다)

4) 내일 새 코트를 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (입다)

5) 교실이 너무 더워요. 스웨터17를 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요.(벗다)

6) 냉장고에 음식이 없어요. 오후에 마트에 내가 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (장보러 가다)

7) 저는 매운 음식을 좋아해요. 저는 육개장___________을게요/ㄹ게요.(먹다)

8) 이메일을 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (체크하다)

9) 오늘부터 매일 방을 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요.(청소하다)

10) 오늘은 저녁 먹고 제가 ___________을게요/ㄹ게요. (설거지하다)

17 스웨터: sweater

연습 2. –(으)ㄹ게요

생일 파티 계획: Sua, Jinsu, Kelly, and Sarah are planning a surprise birthday party for Steve. Complete the following dialogue.

수아:          누가 반 친구들한테 전화할래?

진수:          내가 ___________.

수아:          그럼 누가 음식을 준비할래?  스티브는 한국 음식을 좋아하는데.

켈리:          내가 음식 ___________.  나 요즘 한국 음식 잘 만들어.

수아:          그럼 케이크는 누가 준비할래?

사라:          나 케이크 만드는 거 좋아해.  내가 ___________.

진수:          그럼, 수아 너는 뭐 할래?

수아:          나?  나는 좀 바쁜데.  그래도 파티에는 꼭 ___________.

연습 3. –(으)ㄹ게요

Complete the following dialogues by using correctly conjugated verbs with ~(으)ㄹ게요.

(맛보기)            가: 내일 몇 시에 쇼핑하러 갈까요?

(맛보기)            나:  내일 아침에 ___________ (전화하다)

(맛보기)            → 내일 아침에 전화할게요.

1)   가: 수업에 일찍 오세요!

1)   나:  네, 일찍 ___________ (오다)

2)   가: 날씨가 추운데 따뜻한 겨울 코트가 없어요.

1)   나:  요즘 백화점에서 겨울 코트 세일해요.  하나 사세요.

1)   제가 같이  ___________ (가다)

3)   가: 어서 오세요.  뭐 찾으세요?

1)   나:  네, 그냥 구경 좀 ___________ (하다)

4)   가: 건강해지고 싶으면 매일 운동하세요.

1)   나:  네, 매일 한 시간__________ (걷다)

5)   가: 커피 마실래요? 녹차18 마실래요?

1)   나:  녹차  ___________ (마시다)

6)   가: 오늘 저녁 집에서 파티를 하는데 저는 음식을 잘 못 해요.

1)   나: 걱정하지 마세요.  제가  ___________ (돕다)

7)   가: 어? 김치찌개가 없네!

1)   나: 아, 미안.  내가 점심에 배고파서 다 먹었어.  지금 된장찌개 ___________ (만들다)

8)   가: 비가 오네! 우산 써.

1)   나: 내가 우산이 없는데 언니 우산  ___________ (쓰다)


18 녹차: green tea

연습 4. –(으)ㄹ게요

Promises, promises: Pretend the following people are in front of you (or that you are writing a brief note to them) and promise them you will do something.

1) 선생님

2) 남자/여자 친구

3) 엄마/아빠

4) To your best friend (베프)

5) 언니/오빠/형/누나/동생

6) 아픈 친구

7) Your own

해 봐요! Let’s Cook!

Interpretive Task 1. 듣기 Listening

연습 1. 질문에 답하세요.

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions in Korean.

1) Where is this conversation most likely taking place?

2) Write a summary of this conversation in complete sentences.

1) __________________________________________________


2) __________________________________________________


3) __________________________________________________

Helpful Vocabulary

피팅룸 (탈의실) 마음에 드시는 거 혹시 할인하다 빼 드릴게요.
fitting room something you like possibly, perhaps to discount will give you a discount

(Lit., will take it out)

Interpretive Task 2. 읽기 Reading

Read the following poster and answer the questions in English. You may use a dictionary.

Your friend needs a suit for a job interview. Write an email message to share the information you just found on the poster.




Helpful Vocabulary

행사 남성복 여성복 아동복, 유아복
event men’s clothing women’s clothing children’s clothing floor
상품 구입 주차 발급(하다) 이상
product purchase parking to issue more than

Interpersonal & Presentational Task 3. 말하고 발표하기 Speaking

동아리 바자회

Your Korean club is hosting a charity event—a tag sale. Donate your items and add price tags on them. Then, sell and buy items using shopping-related expressions and vocabulary you have learned in this lesson.

For example, asking for price; bargaining; complimentary phrases (looks good on you); asking and answering about the item; just looking around; paying, etc.

Complete the inventory for your club and list your purchased items as well.

판매 (sell)  구매 (buy)
청바지   10,000 원 치마    5,000 원
치마       6,500  원
모자       3,000 원
물병       3,000 원

Once the event is done, describe each item you sold/bought to the class. (e.g., how much is it/why you bought the item, etc.)

한국 문화 Korean Flavors

Language Point

Clothing Vocabulary

Here are some more clothing terms borrowed from English.  Can you guess their meaning?

스웨터              넥타이              벨트                 파자마              하이힐              부츠

레인코트 = 비옷 = 우비 유니폼              웨딩드레스

The following words are a little more difficult to guess.  They are given with their meaning:

재키트 = 자켓 (sport coat)         점퍼/잠바 (casual jacket with elastic waist)

원피스 (dress)                            투피스 (lady’s suit)


Shopping and Fashion

Photo Credit:,_Seoul,_Korea.jpg

Fashion is an important subject in Korean culture and Korean people’s lives, especially because Seoul is such a big and modern metropolis. There are numerous places to shop, including 백화점 (department stores), 고속터미널 (a.k.a. 고터, express bus terminals), 지하상가 (subway/underground malls), and the famous 동대문 시장 (East Gate market). You can find everything in these places: shoes, bags, scarves, cosmetics, “fast fashion” and famous international clothing brands. Like anywhere, some Koreans are keen on specific name brands and some just go for looks they like; some like activewear looks, some like haute couture, and some mix and match! There are also social group trends, of course, but perhaps fewer choose a “rebel” or “outlaw” look than in other countries.

Nowadays, more and more Korean people buy clothes online due to the convenience. Search 온라인 쇼핑몰 on the internet and find some stores that you like!

할 수 있어요! I got this!

1rCheck to see if you can do the following.

  • Ask and answer questions share opinions about clothes, size, and colors while shopping.
  • Promise to do something.
Listening Script:

점원: 어서 오세요. 뭐 찾으세요?

손님: 그냥 구경 좀 하려고요.

점원: 네, 천천히 보시고, 마음에 드시는 거  있으면  말씀하세요.

손님: 네, 그럴게요.


손님: 저기요, 이 티셔츠 한번 입어 볼 수 있어요?

점원: 네, 저기 피팅룸에서 입어 보세요.


점원: 잘 어울리시네요!

손님: 사이즈가 좀 큰데 한 사이즈 더 작은 거 있어요? 그리고 혹시 다른 색도 있어요?

점원: 네, 더 작은 사이즈 있어요. 그리고 색상은 흰색, 까만색, 초록색 있어요.

손님: 그럼  흰색으로 주세요.

점원: 네, 여기요. 한번 입어 보실래요?

손님: 네.  (pause).

마음에 들어요. 이것도 세일이죠?

점원: 하나 더 사시면 50% 할인해서 모두 4만원이에요.

손님: 좀 더 싸게 안 될까요?

점원: 아이, 50% 세일인데요. 네, 현금으로 하시면 2000원 빼 드릴게요.

손님: 감사합니다. 그럼 같은 사이즈로 흰색하고 까만색 주세요.



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You Speak Korean! Book 2 by Haewon Cho, Emily Curtis, Soohee Kim, Angela Lee-Smith, and Mijeong Kim is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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