Main Body

11 Lesson 9: 김밥 한 개 주세요.

학습 목표 Goals

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Ask for and answer the price of an item using appropriate numbers and counters
  • Ask someone to do something using the polite command ending –(으)세요 and –지 마세요

들어가기 Setting Up

Lesson Focus

짝하고 얘기해 봐요! Share your thoughts!

Talk with your classmates about your shopping experiences. Are they much different in your hometowns?

What seems to be happening in the following dialogue?

In this lesson, you will learn the vocabulary and expressions necessary for shopping for basic food items such as fruits. You will learn how to count items using counters, and make polite requests using honorific commands with  -(으)세요.

단어 Ingredients

Food 음식

김밥 도시락 불고기 사과
mandarin orange kimbap boxed lunch water bulgogi apple

Counters 분류사

사과 한 개  잡지 한 개 한 마리 학생 한 물 한 커피 한
counter for general items counter for people
counter for books counter for bottles and jars
마리 counter for animals counter for tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages

More Numbers

10 100 1000 10,000 100,000,000

새 단어와 표현 New Vocabulary and Expressions

가게 store 점원 salesclerk
달러 dollar 하루 one day
얼마 how much 만들다 to make
요즘 nowadays 사다 to buy
KRW (Korean currency) 앉다 to sit down
이, 이거 this, this thing 모두 all together
잡지 magazine –에 per
어서 오세요! Welcome! 네, 알겠습니다. Will do/Yes, ma’am/sir.

단어 메모지 Vocabulary Notes

1.  –에 per

-에 is used here to denote per unit. Also compare 얼마 from this lesson, which is a noun, and it means how much (something is), speaking of the price; on the other hand, 얼마나 from the previous lesson is an adverb, and it means how (fast, heavy, frequent, etc. something is), speaking of the degree.

알리사: 사과가 얼마예요?                           How much are the apples?

점원: 세 개 8 달러예요.                            They are eight dollars for three.

2.  이, 이거 this, this (thing)

이 is a demonstrative adjective (like this) that indicates that the item is near the speaker.  이 must have a noun after it, so to say this as a pronoun, or this one, add 거 or 것, thing:


도시락                                                   this boxed lunch

이거 얼마예요?                                          How much is this (one/thing/item)?


3. 원 and 달러 KRW and dollar

원 is a Korean currency unit while 달러/센트 are for US dollars (and cents). 불can also be used to talk about dollars, although less frequently. Always use Sino-Korean numbers to talk about money.

달러 (= 오 )     $5                                십 달러 오십 센트         $10.50

오천                     KRW 5,000

점원: 한 개에 1 달러예요.                            They are one dollar each.

이삭: 귤은요?                                               How about mandarin oranges?

점원: 세 개에 1 달러예요.                            They are one dollar for three (three for a dollar).

발음 가이드 Pronunciation Guide

Nasal Assimilation

Final consonants represented by the ㄱ, ㄷ, and ㅂ sounds become nasal (ㅇ, ㄴ, and ㅁ) if the following syllable begins with a nasal sound (ㄴ or ㅁ):

개 다 마리 [개 다마리] five dogs   만 [만] 1,000,000   만 [만] 100,000

단어 연습 Vocabulary Exercises

연습 1. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate native numbers.

 _____ 마리 _______마리 _______마리 _______마리 _______ 마리 _______마리

연습 2. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate counters.

 개 한______ 책 한 _____ 학생 한 _____ 물 한 ______ 커피 한 ____ 사과 한 _____

연습 3. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Star Supermarket receipt chart

지우 had a shopping spree and bought a bunch of items. Say the prices of these items on 지우’s receipt.

(맛보기) 가방: 30,000      가방은 30,000 원이에요.

스타 슈퍼

상품명* 단가* 수량* 금액*
가방 30,000 1 30,000
생일 카드 2,500 1 2,500
잡지 5,500 1 5,500
1,200 3 3,600
김밥 3,600 2 7,200
합계* 48,800

*상품명: item name

*단가 [단까]: unit price

*수량: quantity

*금액: price

*합계: total

These expressions are typically used on receipts.

문법과 표현 Recipe

G1. V(으)세요 & V지 마세요  

1. V–(으)세요 Please V

Although –아/어요 can convey a request, there are other more explicit ways to make requests or commands in Korean. The polite command form you see in this lesson is used when you show respect to the person you are speaking to, and is made by adding –으세요 to verb roots that end in a consonant and –세요 to verb roots that end in a vowel.

여기 앉으세요.                                              Please sit here.

물 좀 주세요.                                                 Please give (me) some water.


Strangely enough, ㄹ-ending verbs act as though the ㄹ was not there, thus like vowel-ending verbs:

여기에서 저하고 사세요. (살다)                      Live here with me, please.

운동장에서 노세요. (놀다)                              Play in the playground, please.

Verb Root Dictionary Form Conjugation Rule Final Form Example
Vowel-ending root


Add 세요 오세요



어서 오세요.

Welcome (“Come hurrying”).

이름을 쓰세요.    

Please write your name.

Root with ㄹ 만들 Delete ㄹ, add 세요 만드세요 불고기를 만드세요.

Please make bulgogi.

Consonant-ending root


Add 으세요 읽으세요



책을 읽으세요.

Please read a book.

여기 으세요.

Please sit here.

Note: Although it is called the polite command form, it is not advisable to use this to elders or someone whose status is higher than yours. We will learn –아/어 주세요 soon, which is used to make even more polite requests!

선생님, 책을 읽으세요.                         Teacher, please read a/the book.

선생님, 책을 읽어 주세요.                     Teacher, please (do me/us a favor and) read the book (for me/us).


You will hear the adverb 좀 a little bit and the marker –만 only frequently used with the verb 주세요. It does not always mean give a little bit of the requested item or only that item. 좀 and –만 here are used as softeners, making the request a bit less direct and more pleading.

숙제 세요.                                     Please do your homework..!

주세요.                                         Please give (me) some water.


2. V–지 마세요 Please do not V

The polite negative command form (don’t do …) is made by adding –지 마세요 to the verb stem.

사과가 비싸요. 사지 마세요.                 Apples are expensive. Don’t buy them.

커피 많이 마시지 마세요.                      Don’t drink too much coffee.


“마세요” is from the verb “말다 (to not do),” which dropped its ㄹ, when it was conjugating for the command form –(으)세요. When you want to make two commands such as “Don’t do A but do B,” the ㄹ comes alive before the connecting marker –고. Sometimes the first verb phrase –지 말고 is omitted and you get the structure N1말고 N2, “not N1 but N2”! It only works with the object of the sentence!

놀지 말고 공부하세요!                                            Don’t play, (but) study!

사과 사지 말고 귤 사세요.                                       Don’t buy apples. Buy mandarin oranges.

3. Conjugation Practice

Complete following table with the appropriate –(으)세요 or  –지 마세요 forms.

Dictionary Form –(으)세요 –지 마세요 Dictionary Form –(으)세요 –지 마세요
사다 사세요 사지 마세요 앉다 앉으세요 앉지 마세요
쇼핑하다 만들다
걷다 쓰다

<Answer key> 쇼핑하세요, 쇼핑하지 마세요, 만드세요, 만들지 마세요, 걸으세요, 걷지 마세요, 쓰세요, 쓰지 마세요

연습 1. (으)세요 and 지 마세요

Your Korean friend just became your new roommate. Give them the following facetious commands directly while still being polite to them.

1) 매일 나하고 한국어 공부를 해요.

2) 아침에 일찍1 일어나요.

3) 매일 한 시간 운동해요.

4) 한국 음식을 매일 만들어요.

5) 주말에 파티에서 춤 춰요.

6) 운전하지 말고 걸어요.

7) 한국 음악을 들어요.

8) Your own!


1 일찍: early

연습 2. (으)세요 and 지 마세요

Create a list of what not to do in the Korean classroom. Pay attention to the verb form and the ending.

1) 수업 시간에 영어 쓰다.

2) 수업 시간에 늦게3 오다.

3) 선생님 의자에 앉다.

4) 수업 끝나고 놀다.

5) 수업 시간에 자다.

6) 수업 시간에 음악을 듣다.

7)수업 시간에 문자를 보내다.

8) Your own!


2 늦게: late

3 문자를 보내다: to send a text message

연습 3. (으)세요 and 지 마세요

Give your partner positive or negative commands. Your partner should act out each command they hear but only if you say 지금 before giving the directives.

(맛보기)           지금 칠판을 보세요. (Act out)

(맛보기)           Or, 칠판을 보지 마세요. (Do not act out)

If your partner follows your order without you saying 지금, they lose the turn!

G2. Counters


1. Counters in Korean

In Lesson 9, you learned that the counter 번 is used to count how many times something happens and 개 is used to count the number of items. Counters are little words that mark the type of noun being counted and they come after native Korean numbers because native numbers are typically used for counting. When counting items in Korean, you need to use a fixed word order, Noun + Number + Counter. (For correct spelling, put a space before and after the number when you write.) When asking “how many” items, use Noun + 몇 + Counter:

Noun Number Counter Example
사과 사과 한 주세요. one apple
고양이 마리 고양이 두 마리 있어요. two cats

In written Korean, where markers are always expected, the Subject or the Object marker can come after the noun you are counting or after the counter. See how other markers work:

사과를 한 개 주세요. =  사과 한 개를 주세요.                  Please give me an apple.

사과도 한 개만 주세요.                                                     Please give me just one apple, as well.


There are counters for various kinds of nouns; some of them are based on shape or another semantic similarity. See what helps you memorize each counter’s usage:

Counter Items counted Examples
item 도시락 한 a box lunch
사람, 명 people 친구 두 , 두 사람 two friends
마리 animal 개 세 마리 three dogs
cups of 커피 네 three cups of coffee
bottle 물 다섯 five bottles of water
volumes, books 책 여섯 six books

2. Counters with numbers

Remember that some native Korean numbers have alternate forms (e.g. 하나 and 한).  The shortened forms (e.g. 한) are adjective forms that are used when followed by a counter or a noun.

one = 하나        vs.        one person = 한

two = 둘           vs.        two people = 두

three = 셋         vs.        three people = 세

four = 넷           vs.        four people = 네

twenty = 스물                           vs.        twenty people = 스무

twenty one = 스물 하나            vs.        twenty one people = 스물 한

연습 1. Counters

Juan owns many things and has many friends, too. Write the proper number and counter for each item he has.

1) 개 _____________ 2) 친구 ____________ 3) 컵라면 ___________ 4) 책 _____________
5) 물 _____________ 6) 커피 _____________ 7) 잡지 ___________ 8) 도시락 ___________

연습 2. Counters

Fill in the blanks with appropriate counters.

1) 어제 아침에는 커피를 한 _______ 마시고 사과를 두 _______ 먹었어요. 점심에는 김밥 도시락 한 _______하고 물 한 _______을 마셨어요.  그리고 서점에서 책을 두 _______하고 잡지 한 _______ 도 샀어요.  저녁에는 친구 다섯 ________하고 영화를 봤어요. 아주 재미있었어요!

2) 내 친구는 집이 아주 커요. 방이 다섯 _______가 있어요.  친구의 동생은 개를 좋아해요.  그래서 개가 세 _______ 있어요.  고양이도 네 _______ 있어요.

연습 3. Counters

Find out who has more. You or your partner?

(맛보기)           가: 저는 친구가 열 명이 있어요.

(맛보기)           나: 저는 친구가 백 명이 있어요!

1) 친구

2) 동생

3) 개, 고양이4

4) 방에 커피

5) 방에 책

6) 전화에 노래

7) 지갑에 돈

8) Your own!

4고양이: cat

연습 4. Counters

Take turns with your partner asking and answering the following questions in Korean. Find out who lives a more extreme life!

(맛보기)           가: 하루에4 물을 몇 잔 마셔요?

(맛보기)           나: 여덟 잔 마셔요.

How much water do you drink a day?
How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
How much money (돈 얼마나) do you spend per week5?
How many cup noodles do you eat per month?
How many books do you read a year6?

4 하루에: per day

5 일주일에: per week

6 일 년에: per year

G3. 얼마예요?

How much is this magazine? It's 5000 won.

1. 얼마예요? How much is/are?

“얼마예요?” is used to ask for the exact price. If you are interested in the price range, you can say “얼마나 해요?”

불고기 도시락이 얼마예요?                How much is a bulgogi box lunch?

오천 이에요.                                    It’s 5,000 won.

요즘 사과 하나에 얼마나 해요?          How much does an apple cost these days? (What is a typical price?)

삼천 쯤 해요.                                   (The going rate is) about 3,000 won.

If you are asking your friends how much they paid for something, you can say “얼마 줬어요?” or “얼마 주고 샀어요?” How much (money) did you give (for that)? Or “얼마 냈어요?” How much did you pay?

그거 얼마 주고 샀어요?                      How much did you pay for that?

오천 이요.                                        5,000 won (is what I paid/gave).

2. Saying large numbers

You already know that there are two number systems in Korean and native Korean numbers (하나, 둘…) are used for counting. For most other purposes, (naming or numbering items and in mathematics), Sino-Korean numbers (일, 이, 삼…) are used.

An exception to the general rule above is counting money, and this may have to do with numbers beyond 99 all being Sino-Korean numbers. One USD is about 1000-1200 KRW, so large numbers are frequently said and heard in daily life. One important thing to learn in counting large numbers is that every four digits, the unit changes (unlike English, which separates numbers every three digits with a comma).

1 100,000
10 1,000,000
100 10,000,000
1,000 100,000,000
10,000 1,000,000,000

Can you read these numbers?

3,500 명                                               삼천오백 명

23,500 개                                             이만 삼천오백 개

123,500 권                                           십이만 삼천오백 권

9,123,500 불                                        구백십이만 삼천오백 불

89,123,500 원                                      팔천구백십이만 삼천오백 원

연습 1. 얼마예요?

You and your roommate are going to go grocery shopping, and they are looking at the weekly flyer from a local supermarket. Ask about the price of the foods you are interested in buying. Take turns.

(맛보기)           You: 사과가 얼마예요?

(맛보기)           Partner: 세 개에 이천 원이에요.

W3,000 per 5 mandarin oranges W7,500 per one magazine W2,000 per 3 apples W15,000 each jar of kimchi
W 9,000 per two umbrellas W3,250 per one cup of coffee W2500 per 6 bottles

of water

W5,600 per 2 fish

3 생선: fish

연습 2. 얼마예요?

Nicole and her friends will each buy the following items. Look at their shopping lists and find out how much money they will need based on the flyer above.

1) 니콜: 귤 다섯 개, 김치 한 병, 생선 네 마리

2) 지우: 귤 네 개, 김치 두 병, 우산 한 개

3) 알리사: 사과 여섯 개, 물 여섯 병, 잡지 한 권

4) 웨이: 김밥 도시락 한 개, 커피 두 잔, 물 여섯 병

연습 3. Test your knowledge!

Provide the appropriate numbers for questions 1 and 2. For questions 3 to 5, choose the appropriate numbers from the box below and fill in the blanks. Write out the numbers in Korean.

9,700,000                              52,000,000                             326,000,000

1) 우리 학교에 학생이 ______________________________명이 있어요.

2) 우리 도시에 ______________________________ 명이 살아요. *도시: town

3) 서울에 ________________________________ 명이 살아요.

4) 한국에 ________________________________ 명이 살아요.

5) 미국에 _________________________________ 명이 살아요.

해 봐요! Let’s Cook!

Interpretive Communication Task 1. 듣기 

Listen to the conversation between Juan and a store clerk and see if you can answer the following questions in Korean.

1) Where is Juan now?

1) a. restaurant    b. coffee shop    c. convenience store    d. department store

2) What costs 5,000 KRW?

3) What is Juan getting?

4) How much is the magazine?

Interpretive Communication Task 2. 읽기 

Read the following poster and find out what is being advertised and how much each item is. Use an online dictionary if needed.

1) 오렌지4는 한 봉에 얼마예요?

2) 새우6는 얼마예요?

3) 삼겹살7은 100g에 얼마예요?

4) 뭐가 삼만육천구백 원이에요?

5) 뭐를 살 거예요?


4 오렌지: orange

5 봉: bag (counter for bags)

6 새우: shrimp

7 삼겹살: Korean bacon (pork-belly)

Interactive Communication Task 3. 말하기

생일 파티!

You and your friends are throwing a big birthday party for your mutual friend and need to go shopping to prepare for the party. Write a shopping list and find the price for the items online. Decide what to buy and how much you will spend on it.

(맛보기)           가: 우리, 생일 파티에 뭐 사요?

맛보기)             나: 사과나 귤 어때요?

맛보기)             가: 사과가 비싸요. 두 개에 이천 원이에요.  귤 사요….

쇼핑 리스트


상품명                          가격                             수량___






Presentational Communication Task 4. 발표하기 

Online Flea Market

You and your friends are hosting a flea market online to raise money for a local charity. Everyone should post two items with their price tags (in Korean) and try to sell them to classmates.

As a courtesy, please add any helpful information on each of your items (e.g., –(으)세요/–지 마세요).

한국 문화 Korean Flavors

Language Point

More Counters

When you count an item (e.g. trees), you need to use the appropriate counter (그루), given on the left in the table below.

Counters Examples
그루 trees 나무 한 그루 a tree
다발 bunches/bouquets of (flowers) 꽃 한 다발 a bunch of flowers
bunches of (vegetables) 파 한 단 a bunch of green onions
sizable mechanical/electronic equipment 차 한 대 a car
lumps/loaves of (tofu) 두부 한 모 a lump/cube/block of tofu
조각, 쪽 pieces, slices of… 피자 한 조각 a slice of pizza
clothes 옷 한 벌 a piece of clothing
송이 flowers, bunches of grapes 장미 한 송이 a rose
자루 pencils, pens 연필 한 자루 a pencil
houses, buildings 집 한 채 a house
켤레 pairs of shoes 신발 한 켤레 a pair of shoes
포기 heads (of cabbage) 배추 한 포기 a head of Napa cabbage

Sometimes you use the container to count the content, as in a box of chocolate:

그릇, 공기 bowls 밥 한 그릇 a bowl of rice
봉지 bags 국수한봉지 a bag of noodles
cups 물 한 컵 a cup of water

When ordering dishes like 불고기 at a restaurant, no counter is needed. You can just say 불고기 하나. The counter for 김밥 is 줄 (a roll, which is about 8 rounds), but you can also just say 김밥 하나 주세요 to ask for one order of 김밥.


Photo Credit: Pixabay


 Shopping Heaven

What is great about shopping in Korea is the many choices you have. You can go in person to department stores (백화점), chain- or local supermarkets (슈퍼마켓), open- or enclosed markets (시장) if you would like, but you can also buy online and have anything delivered to your house (택배 서비스) if the purchase price is around $20 or more.

Photo Credit: Pixabay


Korean Money

There are no personal checks in Korea. Credit cards are used in most stores, and e-pay (e.g. Kakao Pay) is getting popular for local markets and convenient stores as well as large supermarkets and department stores.

Cash is still being used, of course. Four kinds of bills (천 원, 오천 원, 만 원, 오만 원), and four kinds of coins (십 원, 오십 원, 백 원, 오백 원) are widely used.

할 수 있어요! I got this!

1rCheck to see if you can do the following.

  • I can ask for and answer the price of an item using appropriate numbers and counters.
  • I can ask someone to do or not to do something using the polite command –(으)세요 and –지 마세요.
Listening Script

점원: 어서 오세요!

후안: 도시락 있어요?

점원: 네, 불고기 도시락도 있고  김밥 도시락도 있어요.

후안: 아, 그래요? 불고기 도시락은 얼마예요?

점원: 한 개에 5,000원이에요.

후안: 아 그래요? 김밥 도시락은요?

점원: 4,500원이에요.

후안: 그럼 불고기 도시락 한 개, 김밥 도시락 한 개 주세요. 물도 한 병 주세요.

점원: 모두 10,500원이에요. 감사합니다.

후안: 아, 그리고 이 잡지도 한 권 주세요.

점원: 네, 그럼 모두 15,500 원입니다. 감사합니다.


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You Speak Korean! Book 1 Copyright © 2023 by Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, Haewon Cho, Angela Lee-Smith, and Mijeong Kim is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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