Main Body

3 Lesson 1: 안녕하세요? 반갑습니다.

학습 목표 Goals

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Introduce yourself and others using names, professions, and nationalities
  • Ask and answer simple yes-no questions about yourself

들어가기 Setting Up

Lesson Focus

같이 얘기해 봐요! Share your thoughts!

Previously, we briefly learned how to say 안녕하세요 “hello” and NAME입니다 “NAME is” in Korean. Talk with your classmates about anything you think you should be careful of when you introduce yourself in Korean and your native language.

Now, read these two dialogues. How does Seyoung introduce herself?

In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself using names, nationalities, and professions and how to ask and answer simple yes-no questions.

단어 Ingredients

나라 Countries

한국 중국 일본 미국 캐나다 멕시코 영국
Korea China Japan United States Canada Mexico United Kingdom

직업 Occupations

가수 대학생 디자이너 배우 선생님 요리사 학생
singer college student designer actor teacher chef student

Personal Pronouns

I (peer form) I (humble form)

 새 단어와 표현 New Vocabulary and Expressions

대학교 college 씨 (always a space before) Mr., Ms.
사람 person –이에요/예요 to be
수업 class 아니에요 to not be
이름 name yes
친구 friend 아니요 no
영어 English –은/는 subject particle
한국어 Korean –이/가 topic particle
안녕하세요? no 반갑습니다 Nice to meet you (formal).
어느 나라 사람이에요? Where are you from? 반가워요. Nice to meet you (informal).

단어 메모지 Vocabulary Notes

1. 한국 Korea

As you know, Korea is divided by the Demilitarized Zone, and there are two Koreas in the Korean Peninsula. South Korea is called 남한 (literally South Korea), and North Korea is called 북한 (literally North Korea). You might also hear some other terms, such as 북조선 and 남조선. These are the names of North and South Korea that are used by North Koreans and older generation Japanese. Although the complete name of한국 (South Korea) is 대한민국 (Republic of Korea), it is only used in official or governmental documents (like on one’s passport), very much like the use of the ‘United States of America.’

2. Nationalities and languages

If you want to identify a person based on their nationality, you can add 사람 after the name of their country. 사람 can be replaced by 인 to sound a little more sophisticated. 한국인, 중국인, 일본인, 미국인, 영국인, etc.

한국 사람 중국 사람 일본 사람 미국 사람 캐나다 사람 멕시코 사람 영국 사람

As for Korean-Americans or Mexican-Americans, etc., you can add 계 to the first (heritage) part:

저는 한국계 미국 사람이에요.                    I am Korean-American.

저는 멕시코계 미국 사람이에요.                I am Mexican-American.

You might also hear the expressions 재미동포 and 재일동포. They mean “Korean expatriates” — that is, Korean people living in the U.S. (재미동포) or Japan (재일동포). Some people also say 재미교포 or 재일교포.

For language names, add –어 (language) after country names. –어 can be replaced by 말, a native Korean word that means speech or word. –어 means the same, but it is of Chinese origin.

Korean language Chinese language Japanese language English language French language Spanish language
한국어 중국어 일본어 영어 프랑스어 스페인어

3. –씨

You will see over and over that the second-person pronoun “you” is hardly ever used in Korean. In formal and polite speech styles, you can address the person you are talking to or talking about by using their name plus 씨.

4. 반가워요/반갑습니다

“반가워요” means “pleased” or “glad.” When combined with “만나서,” which is often omitted in conversation, it translates to “I am glad to see you” or “Nice to meet you.” Instead of “반가워요,” you might also hear “반갑습니다” [방갑씀니다]. The “-습니다” ending is quite formal and is used in pleasantries such as “감사합니다. (Thank you.)” and “죄송합니다. (I am sorry).” It is also commonly used in broadcasting (e.g., by newscasters), the military (e.g., to address senior officers), and hierarchical workplaces.

발음 가이드 Pronunciation Guide

The Spill-over Rule

Remember the spill-over rule from the preliminary chapter? When a 받침 meets a following syllable that starts with a vowel, the 받침 can be fully pronounced as it is written.

선생님 + 은 [선생님] + [은]       vs.        선생님은 [선생니믄]

중국 + 어 [중구거]                     vs.        일본어 [일보너]

단어 연습 Vocabulary Exercises

연습 1. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Write the name of the country where each city is located.

1) 서울 _________

2) 베이징 _________

3) 뉴욕 _________

4) 런던 _________

5) 멕시코시티 __________

6) 밴쿠버 __________

7) 도쿄 __________

8) 부산 ___________

연습 2. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Ask and answer the questions in Korean and share your answers with a classmate. How similar or different are you and your partner?

My partner
1) Which countries have you been to?
2) Which countries do you want to visit in the future?
3) What languages can you speak?
4) What languages do you want to learn in the future?

연습 3. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Try to read the names below and guess who they are. Write the professions of these people.

(보기)    가수      대학생      디자이너      선생님      배우     요리사    학생

1) 비티에스 ________________

2) 샤넬 ________________

3) 윤여정 ________________

4) 고든 램지 ________________

5) 몬테소리 ________________

6) 나 ________________

7) Your own ________________

문법과 표현 Recipe

1. NOUN1–은/는 NOUN2–이에요/예요 NOUN1 is NOUN2  

A. “Be” Verb 이에요/예요

–이에요/–예요 is the BE verb (it is, they are, you are, I am, etc.). It comes at the end of a sentence, of course, and like all Korean verbs, does not conjugate for Subject Person and Number (I, we, you, he, she, it, or they). BUT! –예요 is used after a word that ends in a vowel, and –이에요 is used after a word that ends in a consonant. These two forms are (already) conjugated with a polite ending and are ready to be used in conversations with colleagues and acquaintances. Note that there is no space before –이에요/예요. As mentioned in Preliminaries, the subject is often dropped in conversation, so these sentences are perfectly fine in Korean:

Noun BE Verb Translation
consonant-ending nouns–이에요 학생 이에요 (I) am a student.
vowel-ending nouns–예요 디자이너 예요 (I) am a designer.

이에요/예요 is used in sentences identifying a person or an item. (My name is Jamie. I am Korean. This is a candle.) It is not used for locating items (e.g., Jamie is here.).

Now let’s expand the sentence.  Can you figure out the role of –는 in this sentence?

웨이 가수예요.                         Wei is a singer.

B. Topic Particle –은/는

When a noun that begins a sentence is flagged with the marker –은 or –는, you can assume that the sentence is about that noun — that is, the noun is the topic of the sentence. Sometimes it helps to translate the sentence with as for… or with regard to…

There are two variants of the topic marker, –은 and –는. Can you guess when to use 은 and when to use 는?

Noun Topic Particle Noun + BE Verb Translation
consonant-ending nouns–은 선생님 한국 사람이에요. The teacher is a Korean.
vowel-ending nouns–는 미국 사람이에요. The teacher is an American.

친구 이름 에밀리예요.            (My) friend’s name is Emily. (As for my friend’s name, it’s…)

에밀리 캐나다 사람이에요.    Emily is Canadian. (With regard to Emily, she’s…)

Use – when the noun being marked ends in a consonant, and –when it ends in a vowel.

C. First-person Pronouns 저/나

Some expressions in Korean are used to raise the status of the listener (e.g., –님 in 선생님), and others are used to humble oneself (e.g., 저). 저 is a humble first-person pronoun, I, and 나 is a plain first-person pronoun. We will focus on using “저” in this lesson to speak politely in Korean.

First-person I Example Translation
저 (Humble Form) 저는 대학생이에요. I am a college student.
나 (Plain Form) 나는 대학생이에요. I am a college student.

연습 1. NOUN1–은/는 NOUN2–이에요/예요

Introduce these people using –이에요 or –예요.

two girls greeting each other
1) 친구 ____________. 2) 학생 ____________. 3) 선생님 ____________.
4) 배우 ____________. 5) 가수 ____________. 6) 대학생 ____________.

연습 2. NOUN1–은/는 NOUN2–이에요/예요

Say hello to your friend: Walk around the classroom and introduce yourself to five people.

(맛보기)  안녕하세요? 저는 김세영이에요. OO 대학교 학생이에요. 반갑습니다!

2. Negation: (–이/가) 아니에요 is/am/are not…

girl talking about her occupation

아니에요 is a negative BE verb.  It negates the identity or likeness of two entities (e.g., X is not Y).

선생님 아니에요.                                  I am not a teacher.

A. Subject Particle –이/가

Note, in the previous sentence, the first entity 저 is flagged with the topic particle –는 and the second with the subject particle –이. This is because 저 is a known topic and 선생님, the concept now being introduced into the conversation, is new information. 아니에요 completes the idea 저 선생님. Look at a few more examples:

박선생님은 한국어 선생님 아니에요.               Teacher Park is not a Korean teacher.

아키는 대학생 아니에요.                                  Aki is not a college student.

모린은 제 친구 아니에요.                                 Maureen is not my friend.

Can you guess when to use –이 and when to use –가?

–이 subject particle (after a noun ending in a consonant) 조엘은 선생님이 아니에요.
–가 subject particle (after a noun ending in a vowel) 다미는 가수가 아니에요.

In spoken Korean, the subject particle –이/가 is frequently omitted before 아니에요.

아키는 대학생이 아니에요.                                  Aki is not a college student.

모린은 제 친구가 아니에요.                                  Maureen is not my friend.

연습 1. Negation

Talk about these people as shown in the example.

(맛보기)   1) 세영 -> 세영은 요리사가 아니에요. 디자이너예요.

김세영 후안 로페즈 요시다 하루토 알리사 존슨 첸 웨이 마아 커티스
요리사 선생님 가수 학생 미국 사람 멕시코 사람
디자이너 요리사 배우 친구 중국 사람 영국 사람

1) 세영

2) 후안

3) 요시다

4) 알리사

5) 첸

6) 마야

3. Asking and Answering Questions in Korean

A. Yes-No Questions in Korean

We learned that questions use the same word order as normal statements in Korean. To ask Yes/No questions, you just need to raise the intonation at the end of a sentence. Answer Yes/No questions using 네 or 아니요. It is natural in Korean to repeat the main part of the sentence as well.

가: 조엘씨, 가수예요?                    Are you a singer, Joel?

나: , 가수예요.                             Yes, I am a singer.

가: 니콜 씨, 선생님이에요?           Are you a teacher, Nicole?

나: 아니요, 학생이에요.                 No, I am a student.

B. WH-Questions in Korean

To ask ‘wh-‘ questions, you also need to add the ‘wh’ word into the sentence.

어느 나라 사람이에요?             Where are you from? (Lit., Which country person are you?)

(저는) 한국 사람이에요.            I am Korean.

연습 1. Asking and Answering Questions in Korean

Take turns and come up with famous people from the following countries.  And then ask each other which countries they are from.

(맛보기)      A: 벤 프랭클린은 어느 나라 사람이에요?

(맛보기)      B: 미국 사람이에요.

벤 프랭클린

연습 2. Asking and Answering Questions in Korean

Take turns and ask each other if the following people are from the given countries.

(맛보기)      A: 벤 프랭클린은 미국 사람이에요?

(맛보기)      B: 네, 미국 사람이에요.

(맛보기)      A: 벤 프랭클린은 캐나다 사람이에요?

(맛보기)      B: 아니요, 캐나다 사람(이) 아니에요.

벤 프랭클린
Ben Franklin
조지 워싱턴
George Washington
Xi Jinping
셀린 디온
Celine Dion
프리다 칼로
Frida Kahlo
탐 크루즈
Tom Cruise

연습 3. Asking and Answering Questions in Korean

Ask a series of Yes-No questions to find out more information about your classmate!

(맛보기)      가: 조엘 씨, 미국 사람이에요?

(맛보기)     : 아니요, 미국 사람이 아니에요. 멕시코 사람이에요.

이름: ___________ 이름: ___________ 이름: ___________
1) 한국 사람
2) 일본어 수업 학생
3) 대학생
4) 요리사
5) 가수
6) 배우
7) 부자1
8) 선생님 친구
9) 천재2
10) 잠꾸러기3
11) Your own question
Helpful Vocabulary: More Professions
게이머 (professional) gamer
유튜버 YouTuber

1부자: the rich

2천재: genius

3잠꾸러기: sleepyhead

해 봐요! Let’s Cook!

Interpretive Task 1. 듣기 Listening

Listen to the conversation between Maya and Paul and answer the following questions in Korean.

1) Where does this conversation seem to take place?

2) What is Paul’s profession?

3) Are Paul and Maya close friends?

Interpretive Task 2. 읽기 Reading

The following people posted their self-introductions on the class homepage. Read the following messages from the class chatroom.

안녕하세요? 는 김세영이에요. 디자이너예요. 한국 사람이에요. 반갑습니다.
안녕하세요? 는 알리사 존슨이에요. 저는 배우예요. 미국 사람이에요.  반갑습니다!
안녕하세요? 는 첸 웨이예요.  학생이에요. 중국 사람이에요. 일본 사람이 아니에요. 반갑습니다!

Which of the following statements are true?

1) Seyoung is American.            T          F

2) Seyoung is a singer.               T          F

3) Alissa is from Canada.           T          F

4) Wei is Chinese.                        T          F

5) Wei is a teacher.                      T          F

Interpersonal Task 3. 말하기 Speaking

자기소개를 해 보세요. Introduce yourself

PART I: Introduce yourself to your partner. Be sure to include your name, profession, and nationality. Include greetings and use appropriate body language.

PART II: Walk around the classroom introducing yourself to your classmates. Listen to your friends’ self-introductions and collect four friends’ information.

이름 Profession Nationality
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
Helpful Vocabulary: More Professions
교수 professor
교직원 school employee
변호사 lawyer
사서 librarian
사업가 entrepreneur
엔지니어 engineer
의사 doctor
회사원 company worker

한국 문화 Korean Flavors

Language Point

It’s all in the history

Korea is a country with a long written history. For centuries, before the creation of Hangul, Koreans used Chinese characters to write and borrowed many words from the Chinese language. Similar to how English has two words that mean similar things (e.g., “sorority,” which has a Latinate root, and “sisterhood,” which is Germanic), Korean has many synonym sets with one word from Chinese (called Sino-Korean) and one that is native Korean. Just as “sorority” and “sisterhood” are used in different contexts, so are Sino-Korean and native Korean pairs.

Sino-Korean words tend to be decomposable, where you can usually detect the meaning of each syllable. You will learn more about this as you go along.

center    country   language

center   country   person
Another interesting way to come about sets of words with the same meaning is as in the example 스페인어 and 서반아어 or 프랑스어 and 불어. The latter in each pair is the Korean pronunciation of the names of these countries when written in Chinese characters, the first in each set is an approximation of the country name in its own language or sometimes in English! So the picture became even more even complicated when Korean started using borrowings from Western languages. Can you guess what the following words mean?
월남=베트남       이태리         대만
Find more country names in Korean!

베트남 Vietnam       호주 Australia      인도네시아 Indonesia    필리핀 Philippines   터키 Turkey    사우디 아라비아 Saudi Arabia    인도 India

독일 Germany         이집트 Egypt        태국 Thailand                러시아 Russia          에티오피아 Ethiopia


 Korean Names

Did you know that almost one-fifth of Koreans have the last name Kim? The top five most common last names are 김, 이, 박, 최, and 정, and they account for more than half of the total population. Last names usually consist of one syllable, but there are a few two-syllable last names, such as 남궁, 독고, and 선우. The last name 김 has many different clans from different places in Korea. When people with the “same” last name meet, they ask about each other’s clan origins (본관 or 본향). If their clan origins are the same, they could not marry each other in the olden days, but this is not true any longer.

Unlike Western naming traditions, the family name is said first in Korean. Most Korean names are Sino-Korean and based on Chinese characters, although native Korean (first) names have gained popularity recently. Also, Koreans never use given names when calling or talking about people who are older than they are. (They use titles like Auntie, Older Brother, or Manager Kim.)

Click on the following links for more information:

할 수 있어요! I got this!

1rCheck to see if you can do the following.

  • Introduce yourself and others using names, professions, and nationalities.
  • Ask and answer simple yes-no questions about yourself.
Listening Script

마야:    안녕하세요? 저는 마야예요.

폴:        안녕하세요? 저는 폴이에요. 반갑습니다!

마야:    반갑습니다!  폴 씨, 학생이에요?

폴:        아니요, 학생(이) 아니에요. 선생님이에요.

마야:    어머, 선생님이에요? 한국어 선생님이에요?

폴:        네, 한국어 선생님이에요.

마야:    폴 선생님, 안녕하세요! 저는 한국어 수업 학생이에요. 미국 사람이에요.

폴:        네, 반가워요!


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You Speak Korean! Book 1 Copyright © 2023 by Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, Haewon Cho, Angela Lee-Smith, and Mijeong Kim is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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