Main Body
8 Lesson 6: 오늘 몇 시에 시간 있어요?
학습 목표 Goals
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Tell time in Korean
- Talk about your daily schedule using time expressions and daily activity verbs
- Make appointments with friends
들어가기 Setting Up
Lesson Focus
- INGREDIENTS – 단어 Vocabulary
- 숫자 Native Korean numbers
- Daily routine
- RECIPE – 문법과 표현 Grammar
- Reading time in Korean
V–아/어요 Casual-polite present tense II
- ㄷ–irregular verbs
- LET’S COOK – 해봐요! Classroom Tasks
- 듣기 Listening
- 읽기 Reading
- 말하기 Speaking
- KOREAN FLAVORS – 한국어와 문화 Korean Language and Culture
- Language Point: TIme of the day
- Culture: Sleepless in Korea
- I GOT THIS! – 할 수 있어요!
- Check to see if you can do the following
- Listening Script
- NOW YOU TRY! – 스스로 해봐요! Async. Practices and Tasks
같이 얘기해 봐요! Share your thoughts!
Talk with your classmates about your typical day. Are their days much different from where you are from?
Now read these two dialogues. Based on what you learned from previous lessons, can you guess what the friends are discussing?
In this lesson, you will finish learning how to conjugate regular verbs for the casual-polite present tense, and you will learn how to ask and answer time-related questions.
숫자 Native Korean Numbers
하나 | 둘 | 셋 | 넷 | 다섯 | 여섯 | 일곱 | 여덟 | 아홉 | 열 |
Daily Routine
일어나다 | 샤워하다 | 커피를 마시다 | 걷다 (걸어요) | 일하다 | 태권도를 배우다 |
to get up/wake up | to take a shower | to drink coffee | to walk | to work | to learn Taekwondo |
집에 오다 | 요리하다 | 음악을 듣다 (들어요) | 영화를 보다 | 쉬다 | 자다 |
to come home | to cook | to listen to music | to watch a movie | to take a rest | to sleep |
새 단어와 표현 New Vocabulary and Expressions
반 | a half | 음악 | music |
밤 | night | 태권도 | Taekwondo (Korean martial arts) |
분 | minute | 몇 | how many |
시 | hour (o’ clock) | 끝나다 | to end |
시간 | hour(s), time (duration) | 바쁘다 (바빠요) | to be busy |
영화 | movie | 재미없다 | to be uninteresting |
오전 | morning time | 보통 | usually |
오후 | afternoon | 정말 | really |
수업을 듣다 (들어요) | to take a class | 몇 시예요? | What time is it? |
NOUN이/가 어때요? | How’s NOUN? |
단어 메모지 Vocabulary Notes
1. Native Korean numbers
Remember that Sino-Korean numbers are used somewhat like names of things. Native Korean numbers, on the other hand, are used to express the quantity of items that are counted individually, and they must be used with a counter (a small word used for counting a particular kind of item). This structure will be discussed in a later lesson.
When ordering food at a restaurant, you may use the number without a counter. One (order of) bibimbap, please.
= 비빔밥 하나 주세요
Some native Korean numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, and 20) have alternate forms (e.g. 하나 and 한 = one). The shortened forms (e.g., 한) are adjectives and are used before a counter or a noun. The longer forms are used when just counting through numbers: 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, …
one = 하나 vs. one book = 책 한 권
2. 아침, 점심, 저녁 Meals and time around each meal
While 아침, 점심, and 저녁 name meals of the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), they can also refer to the time around each meal.
아침 먹어요! Eat your breakfast!
Like place expressions in Korean, time also starts with “bigger” concepts. So, the three time expressions 아침, 점심, and 저녁 come after the days of the week (or 오늘/내일).
오늘 저녁 this evening (today’s evening) 화요일 아침 Tuesday morning
3. 시 vs. 시간 o’clock and hour(s)
시 refers to the time point as the exact hour on the clock (that is, o’clock). 시간, on the other hand, refers to abstract (amount of) time as might be measured by the hourglass. Note that English translation doesn’t always match with Korean:
To count how many times something takes place, use a different word 번:
한 번 once, 두 번 twice 세 번 three times
지금 몇 시예요? What time is it now?
오늘 시간 있어요? Do you have time today? (Are you available?)
네, 여섯 시에 시간 있어요. Yes, I have time at six o’clock.
발음 가이드 Pronunciation Guide
In everyday speech, 쉬어요 (someone) rests is pronounced as 셔요 with lips rounded and protruded. It is always spelled 쉬어요, however.
단어 연습 Vocabulary Exercises
연습 1. New Vocabulary and Expressions
Listen to your teacher carefully and circle the picture that corresponds to the number you hear. Then, write the number you heard below the corresponding picture.
연습 2. New Vocabulary and Expressions
Read the given place as a prompt to your partner so they can come up with an activity that is associated with the given place. Take turns. Whoever comes up with more activities wins!
(맛보기) 도서관? 아르바이트해요.
점심을 먹어요 커피를 마셔요 한국어를 배워요
샤워해요 일해요 쉬어요 자요
영화를 봐요 친구를 만나요 음악을 들어요
1) 방 _________________
2) 커피숍 _________________
3) 화장실 _________________
4) 회사 _________________
5) 한국어 수업 _________________
6) 친구 집 _________________
연습 3. New Vocabulary and Expressions
Now work alone. Write down as many activities as you can think of for the following times. Compare your answers with your classmates. Do you have a good overlap?
(맛보기) 아침: 일어나요
1) 아침 ___________ ___________ _____________
2) 오후 ___________ ___________ _____________
3) 저녁/밤 ___________ ___________ _____________
1. Reading Time in Korean
A. How to Tell Time in Korean
In Korean, use the Native Korean numbers (한, 두, 세…) for telling the hours, and the Sino-Korean numbers (일, 이, 삼…) for telling minutes.
시간 | Hour | 분 | Minute |
한 시 | one o’clock | 일 분 | one minutes |
두 시 | two o’clock | 이 분 | two minutes |
세 시 | three o’clock | 삼 분 | three minutes |
네 시 | four o’clock | 사 분 | four minutes |
다섯 시 | five o’clock | 오 분 | five minutes |
여섯 시 | six o’clock | 육 분 | six minutes |
일곱 시 | seven o’clock | 칠 분 | seven minutes |
여덟 시 | eight o’clock | 팔 분 | eight minutes |
아홉 시 | nine o’clock | 구 분 | nine minutes |
열 시 | ten o’clock | 십 분 | ten minutes |
열한 시 | eleven o’clock | 삼십 분 (반) | thirty minutes |
열두 시 | twelve o’clock | 오십구 분 | fifty-nine minutes |
As noted in Vocabulary Notes, native Korean numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 20 have shortened adjective forms, and it is the adjectives that are used with 시, the hour of the clock. Also, 시 and 분 each follows a space in writing.
Let’s try reading the times:
한 시 | 두 시 | 세 시 | 네 시 | 다섯 시 십오 분 |
여섯 시 삼십 분/반 | 일곱 시 사십 오 분 | 여덟 시 오십 분 | 열 시 십 분 | 열두 시 오십구 분 |
Other (“larger”) time expressions like day of the week, 오늘 or 내일 can be added before the time. When multiple time expressions are used together, 에 is used just once at the end of the whole time phrase.
매일 아침 일곱 시에 일어나요. I get up at 7 a.m. every day.
토요일 아침 열 시 십 분에 일어났어요! I got up at 10:10 Saturday morning!
B. 몇 시예요?
몇 means how many, and it is used to ask how many of something there are:
가: 몇 사람이에요? How many people?
나: 세 사람이에요. There are three people.
We will get back to the use of 몇 again in later lessons, but here, remember that 몇 시 is used with time. To ask what time one does something, be sure to use the time particle -에:
가: 지금 몇 시예요? What time is it now?
나: 여덟 시예요. It’s 8 o’clock.
가: 몇 시에 아침을 먹어요? What time do you have breakfast (at)?
나: 여덟 시에 먹어요. I eat breakfast at 8 o’clock.
For more a vague time frame, you can use 언제 when instead of 무슨 요일 or 몇 시:
언제 아침을 먹어요? When do you have breakfast?
여덟 시에 먹어요. I eat breakfast at 8 o’clock.
연습 1. Reading Time in Korean
Have your partner pick a clock and say in Korean the time it tells. Find the clock that shows the time you heard. Write the time in Korean. Take turns!
1) | 2) | 3) | 4) | 5) | 6) | 7) |
연습 2. Reading Time in Korean
Say what time you do each activity in Korean. Your partner will draw the hands of the clock. Take turns.
(맛보기) Q: 몇 시에 일어나요? A: 여덟 시에 일어나요
1) 일어나요 | 2) 수업에 와요 | 3) 점심을 먹어요 | 4) 집에 가요 | 5) 쉬어요 | 6) 자요 |
2. V–아/어요 Casual-polite Present Tense II
1. Review of the present tense forms so far
Here is a summary table of the casual-polite verb conjugation you have learned so far. (If you need to refresh your memory more, re-read the grammar notes from previous lessons.)
(last vowel in the root) | Dictionary Form | 아/어 Form | Final Form | Examples |
ㅗ or ㅏ? –> Use (아)요 | 놀다 | 놀아 | 놀아요 | 친구하고 놀아요. I play with a friend. |
가다 | 가 |
가(요) | 집에 가요. I go home. | |
All other vowels? –> Use (어)요 | 읽다 | 읽어 | 읽어(요) | 책을 읽어요. I read a book. |
먹다 | 먹어 | 먹어(요) | 아침을 먹어요. I eat breakfast. |
2. Verbs with contracting vowels
As you can tell from 가아요, Korean doesn’t like two of the same vowels next to each other. When that happens, one simply drops out. Like so, when the verb root has no final consonant and two similar vowels come adjacent (“similar” in their bright vs. dark grade), they contract. 오 + 아 becomes 와, and 우 + 어 becomes 워. Likewise, 이 + 어 become 여. Try saying 오 and 아 together fast, you can hear how they become 와. Try the same with 우 and 어 for 워, and 이 and 어 for 여. So, the rule is:
오 + 아 = 와 우 + 어 = 워 이 + 어 = 여
Verb Root | Dictonary Form | Root + 아/어 | Final Form | Example |
ㅗ | 오다 | 오아 | 와(요) | 집에 와요. I come home. |
보다 | 보아 | 봐(요) | 영화를 봐요. I watch a movie. | |
ㅜ | 배우다 | 배우어 | 배워(요) | 태권도를 배워요. I learn Taekwondo. |
ㅣ | 마시다 | 마시어 | 마셔(요) | 커피를 마셔요. I drink coffee. |
치다 | 치어 | 쳐(요) | 기타를 쳐요. I play the guitar. |
3. No vowel contraction
Vowels that are already complex (위, for example) do not contract with -어요, but keep their original form.
Verb Root | Dictonary Form | Root + 아/어 | Final Form | Example |
complex vowels | 쉬다 | 쉬어 | 쉬어(요) | 방에서 쉬어요. I take a rest in my room. |
4. Conjugation Practice
Complete the following table with the appropriate casual-polite verb conjugations.
Dictionary Form | –아/어요 | Dictionary Form | –아/어요 |
보다 | 봐요 | 치다 | 쳐요 |
만나다 | 쉬다 | ||
오다 | 마시다 |
<Answer key> 만나요, 쉬어요, 와요, 마셔요
연습 1. Casual-polite present tense 2
연습 2. Casual-polite present tense 2
Complete the following statements describing your typical daily routine by conjugating the verb and providing specific time. Afterwards, take turns and talk about your schedule with your classmate(s).
(맛보기) 나는 보통 ___________에 일어나다.
111111111나는 보통 여덟 시에 일어나요.
1) 나는 보통 ___________에 일어나다.
2) 나는 보통 ___________에 아침을 먹다.
3) 나는 보통 ___________에 커피를 마시다.
4) 나는 보통 ___________에 샤워하다.
5) 나는 보통 ___________에 집에 가다.
6) 나는 보통 ___________에 한국어를 배우다.
7) 나는 보통 ___________에 한국어 공부를 하다.
8) 나는 보통 ___________에 저녁을 요리하다.
9) 나는 보통 ___________에 TV를 보다.
10) 나는 보통 ___________에 쉬다
3. ㄷ–irregular Verbs
1. ㄷ–Irregular verbs
Korean also has irregular verbs and ㄷ irregular is the first one we introduce. Some verbs that end in ㄷ change ㄷ to ㄹbefore suffixes that begin with a vowel (e.g. -어, -으). These ㄷ~ㄹ alternating verbs are called ㄷ-irregulars. Here, we present the two most frequently used ㄷ-irregular verbs:
걷다 and 듣다
Verb Root | Dictonary Form | Root + 아/어 | Final Form | Examples |
ends in ㄷ | 걷다 | 걸어 | 걸어요 | 친구하고 걸어요. I walk with my friend. |
듣다 | 들어 | 들어요 | 음악을 들어요. I listen to the music. |
연습 1. ㄷ–irregular verbs
Fill in each blank with an appropriately conjugated form of 걷다 or 듣다.
1) 저는 토요일에 친구하고 같이 공원에서 ____________.
2) 제 친구는 한국 음악을 ___________.
3) 저는 매일 한 시간 __________. 그리고 음악도 같이 _____________.
연습 2. ㄷ–irregular verbs
Conjugate the verbs in parentheses and have a short conversation with your partner. Take turns! 😊
(맛보기) A: 보통 어디에서 걸어요 (걷다)?
11111111B: 공원에서 걸어요.
1) 보통 어디에서 _____________ (걷다)?
2) 누구하고 ____________ (걷다)?
3) 어디에서 한국 음악을 ______________(듣다)?
4) 누구 음악을 ________________ (듣다)?
5) 무슨 수업을 ________________? (듣다)
연습 3. ㄷ–irregular verbs
You and your partner have a copy of Alex’s disorderly daily schedule (A and B), but both are missing some information. Find out from each other the missing information to complete the schedule. Don’t forget to use the appropriate present tense form of the verb!
(맛보기) Q: 알렉스 씨가 일곱 시에 뭐 해요? A: 일어나요
Interpretive Task 1. 듣기 Listening
Haruto is talking to Alyssa on the phone. Listen to the conversation and choose True or False based on the conversation you heard.
1) Alyssa works out every day.
2) Alyssa and Haruto are early risers.
3) Haruto is available at 5 PM today.
4) Haruto and Alyssa will exercise together tomorrow at the park in front of the school.
Interpretive Task 2. 읽기 Reading
Read Dami’s blog post and answer the questions in English.
나는 월요일하고 수요일, 금요일 저녁 일곱 시에 태권도를 배우고 화요일, 목요일, 토요일 오후 세시 반에 한국어를 배워요. 태권도는 힘들어요1. 그렇지만 정말 재미있어요. 토요일하고 일요일 아침 열 시에 요리 수업이 있고 아르바이트도 있어요. 요리 수업에서 두 시간 요리해요. 한국요리하고 중국 요리, 일본 요리를 배워요. 저는 요리 수업이 좋아요! 1힘들다: to be hard, laborious |
1) When does Dami have Korean classes?
2) How many times does Taekwondo class meet per week?
3) What does Dami do on weekdays?
4) How many hours per week does Dami have his cooking class?
Interpersonal Task 3. 말하기 Speaking
You want to do something fun with your partner this weekend. Find the best day, time, and place to get together. Use the following expressions in your dialogue. Take turns.
- 몇 시
- 언제
- 어디에서
- 나하고 같이…
- 어때요? (How’s)
- 미안해요
- 시간 있어요/시간 없어요
- 바빠요 (busy)
- 좋아요/괜찮아요
Interpersonal/Presentational Task 4. 말하고 발표하기
Your Daily Schedule
1. Your partner is a dazzling celebrity who has a dizzyingly busy daily schedule. You be the news reporter and interview your partner to fill in the time chart below.
2. Now, based on what you have learned, report the celebrity’s busy schedule to the class.
Language Point
Time of the Day
오전 and 오후 are typically translated as AM and PM, but the actual usage is somewhat different. 오전 is a synonym for 아침, used in less colloquial situations, and 오후 spans the time after lunch until dusk.
Here are some time expressions that you can use when telling time in Korean.
오전 A.M. (around 7 A.M. ~ 11 A.M.)
오후 P.M. (around 1 or 2 P.M. ~ 5 P.M.)
새벽 dawn, early morning (around 3 or 4 A.M. ~ 6 A.M.)
아침 morning (meal time around 7 A.M. ~ 10:30 A.M.)
점심 midday (meal time around 11:30 A.M. ~ 2:30 P.M.)
저녁 evening (meal time around 5 or 6 P.M. ~ 8 P.M.)
낮 daytime (from sunrise to sunset)
밤 night (from sunset to sunrise)
Image by jairojehuel from Pixabay
Sleepless in Korea
Image by min woo park from Pixabay
Foreign visitors are often surprised at the liveliness of Korea’s city night scenes. Even after Korea’s public office (e.g. city hall, police stations or banks) workday, which is usually from 8:00 AM to 6 PM or 6:30 PM, city life goes on. Retail stores like department stores have later business hours, from 10:30 AM to 8PM, while some mega-marts are open until 11 PM. Many spas, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, and even movie theaters are open 24 hours. You can get matinee tickets for shows starting 6 AM to 10 AM (조조 영화) at these theaters, and starting at 10 PM, after the peak hours, tickets are sold at discount fares for late night movies (심야 영화).
할 수 있어요! I got this!
1rCheck to see if you can do the following.
- I can tell time in Korean.
- I can talk about my daily schedule using time expressions and daily activity verbs.
- I can make appointments with friends.
Listening Script
하루토: 알리사 씨, 보통 아침 몇 시에 일어나요? 알리사: 보통 아침 여섯 시쯤 일어나요. 그리고 운동해요. 하루토: 와! 그래요? 저는 운동 안 해요. 알리사: 그럼 하루토 씨도 저하고 같이 운동해요! 하루토: 네?! 아침 여섯 시에요? 미안해요! 저는 열 시에 일어나요. 알리사: 하하, 그럼 언제 시간 있어요? 하루토: 저는 오후 시간이 좋아요. 알리사: 좋아요! 그럼 오늘 오후 다섯 시 어때요? 하루토: 아, 근데 오늘 오후에는 요리 수업에 가요. 알리사: 그럼 내일 오후에 만나요. 하루토: 좋아요. 내일 오후 다섯 시에 학교 앞 공원에서 만나요. |