Main Body

12 Lesson 10: 내일 친구하고 만날 거예요.

학습 목표 Goals

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Ask and answer questions about future plans and events
  • Describe the reason why you go/come to places in simple sentences
  • Write a to-do list

들어가기 Setting Up

Lesson Focus

짝하고 얘기해 봐요! Share your thoughts!

Talk with your classmates about your weekend plans. Do you have a long list of things to do? Compare your list with your friends.

In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary and expressions necessary to talk about your future plans and events. You will also learn how to say you go somewhere to do something, and also what form you need to use to create a to-do list.

단어 Ingredients

Things To Do 할 일

게임(하다) 여행(하다)/여행(을) 가다 얘기(하다) 옷을 사다 자전거를 타다 태권도를 연습(하다)
to play (computer) games to travel to talk, to tell to buy clothes to ride a bicycle to practice Taekwondo

More Places to Visit

온라인 쇼핑몰 카페 태권도장 테니스 코트 한강 공원
online shopping mall cafe Taekwondo institute tennis court Han River Park

새 단어와 표현 New Vocabulary and Expressions

겨울 winter 벌다 to make (money)
다음 next 얘기(하다) to talk, to tell
방학 break, vacation 졸업(하다) to graduate
이번 this coming 쉽다(쉬워요) to be easy
진짜 really (colloquial) 어렵다(어려워요) to be difficult
학기 semester 벌써 already
어떻게 지내요? How have you been? (건강하게) 잘 지내요. I am doing well.
요즘 잘 지내요? Are you doing well these days? 아이고! oh, my!

단어 메모지 Vocabulary Notes

1. 이번 and 다음  this and next

이번 (this) and 다음 (next) are placed before time expressions:

이번 주말    this weekend            다음 주말          next weekend

이번 달       this month                 다음 달             next month

2. 벌써 Already

벌써 means “already” and often is used with the past tense.

가: 영화 “기생충” 봤어요?              Have you seen the movie “Parasite”?

나: 벌써 봤어요.                              I have already watched it.

3. 요즘 어떻게 지내요?

When you meet your friend whom you have not seen for a while, you can say “요즘 잘 지내요?” or “요즘 어떻게 지내요?”.

소피: 후안 씨, 요즘 잘 지내요?             Juan, are you doing well these days?

후안: 네, 잘 지내요. 소피 씨는요?         Yes, I am doing fine. How about you?

소피: 저도 건강하게 잘 지내요.             I am doing fine (and am healthy) too

발음 가이드 Pronunciation Guide

Double up before the y!

야, 여, 요, 유, and 이 have a tendency to double up the previous consonant across a word boundary or bring about a seemingly random ㄴ insertion, especially when the previous consonant is ㄹ or nasal (ㅁ, ㄴ, ㅇ). Read these out loud and learn how they sound.

무슨 요일이에요?  [무슨 이리에요]     What day is it?

할일        [할]        things to do           물약     [물]   liquid medicine

서울역     [서울]   Seoul Station         강남역 [강남]  Kangnam Station

식용유     [시굥]   cooking oil

단어 연습 Vocabulary Exercises

연습 1. New Vocabulary and Expressions

With a partner, ask each other if you do the following activities as shown in the example.

(맛보기)   게임하다

가: 게임을 해요?   나: 네, 매일 해요!

1. 옷을 사다

2. 온라인 쇼핑몰을 보다

3. 룸메이트하고 얘기하다

4. 자전거를 타다

5. 태권도를 배우다

6. 한국어를 연습하다

7. 돈을 벌다

8. Your own!

연습 2. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate place names in Korean.


연습 3. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Write up letters to 3 different friends or (distant) family members you have not seen for a while. Ask how they are doing and add some small talk.

문법과 표현 Recipe

1. V–(으)ㄹ 거예요 Simple future


1. V–(으)ㄹ 거예요  will, am/are/is going to

The ending –(으)ㄹ 거예요 expresses the simple future. The closest translation of this ending in English is am/are/is going to. –(으)ㄹ 거예요 sentences say something about one’s intentions for the future, and they usually accompany time adverbs like 내일, 이번 주말, 다음 주, etc.

저는 내일 도서관에 거예요.                    I am going to go to the library tomorrow.

All –(으) endings and suffixes, including the –(으)ㄹ 거예요 ending, are sensitive to whether the word they attach to ends in a vowel or a consonant. –(으)ㄹ 거예요 will drop 으 after verbs that end in a vowel. Verbs (and adjectives, as you will see later) that end in ㄹin some special instances act like vowel-ending verbs by dropping the ㄹ. –(으)ㄹ 거예요 is one of those instances.  (You will learn other instances as they arise):

Here are some examples:

Dictionary Form 어/아 Form Future Tense Example
먹다 –을 거예요 점심을 먹을 거예요. I am going to eat lunch.
걷다 걸** –을 거예요 내일 걸을 거예요. I’m going to walk tomorrow.
보다 –ㄹ 거예요 영화를 볼 거예요. I’m going to watch a movie.
마시다 마시 –ㄹ 거예요 커피를 마실 거예요. I’m going to drink coffee.
하다 –ㄹ 거예요 전화를 할 거예요. I’m going to make a phone call.
살다 –거예요 서울에 살 거예요. I will live in Seoul.

ㄷ–irregular verbs convert their ㄷ to ㄹ AND use the full ending.

A final note about the ending –(으)ㄹ 거예요 is that it is a composite expression. –(으)ㄹ has something to do with the future, uncertainty, or incompleteness, 거 means thing, and 예요 is (a variant of) the polite form of the verb be (used after nouns ending in a vowel). Thus, you might see a form like –(으)ㄹ 것이에요, which sounds a little bookish and is found more often in writing.

2. Conjugation Practice

Complete the followingtable with the appropriate –(으)ㄹ 거예요 forms.

Dictionary Form –(으)ㄹ 거예요 Dictionary Form –(으)ㄹ 거예요
타다 탈 거예요 먹다 먹을 거예요
배우다 보다
걷다 마시다
쓰다 만들다

<Answer key> 먹을 거예요, 배울 거예요, 볼 거예요, 걸을 거예요, 마실 거예요, 쓸 거예요, 만들 거예요

연습 1. –(으)ㄹ 거예요

Answer questions according to the pictures below using -(으)ㄹ 거예요.


가: 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?

나: 책을 읽을 거예요.

read a book play tennis listen to music see a movie with a friend
practice Taekwondo rest sleep play games
cook Korean food buy clothes online ride a bicycle talk with a friend

연습 2. –(으)ㄹ 거예요

몇 살에 할 거예요? Take turns with your partner asking and answering about future plans.

(맛보기)  학교를 졸업하다

가: 몇 살에 졸업할 거예요?

나: 스물 두 살에 졸업할 거예요.

1) 학교를 졸업하다
2) 한국에서 살다
3) 집을 사다
4) 돈을 많이 벌다
5) 은퇴하다1

1은퇴하다: to retire

Native numbers: 스물 (스무 살) twenty, 서른 thirty, 마흔 forty, 쉰 fifty, 예순 sixty, 일흔 seventy, 여든 eighty, 아흔 ninety, and 백 hundred.

연습 3. –(으)ㄹ 거예요

Create a dialogue using the given information as shown in the example.

(맛보기)  내일

가: 내일 뭐 할 거예요?

나: 친구하고 한국어 연습을 할 거예요.

1) 내일

2) 이번 주말

3) 다음 주

4) 다음 생일

5) 겨울 방학

6) 내년1

1내년: next year

2. V(으)러 가다/오다


1. V-(으)러 in order to V

–(으)러 is a very useful ending to learn.  To express the purpose or goal of a trip, the verb marker –(으)러 can be used after the stem of the verb.

A: 어디 가요?                            Where are you going?

B: 카페에 친구 만나러 가요.    I am going to the coffee shop to meet my friend.

Just like all other –으 suffixes, use –으러 after verbs ending in a consonant and –러 after verbs ending in a vowel.

*You should only use the verbs 가요 and 와요 in this construction. You will learn how to express “goals” using other verbs.

태권도 연습하러 태권도장에 갔어요.       I went to the Taekwondo institute to practice Taekwondo.

책을 읽으러 커피숍에 가요.                      I go to a coffee shop to read books.

한국어 배우러 한국어 수업에 와요.          I come to Korean class to learn Korean.

친구하고 걸으러 한강 공원에 가요.          I will go to Han River Park to walk with my friend.

Again, about the peculiarity of the ㄹ-ending verbs: they require that the 으 of the –(으)러 ending disappear afterㄹ-ending verbs.

한강 공원에 놀러 가요.                             People go to the Han River Park to hang out.

2. Conjugation Practice 

Complete the following table with the appropriate –(으)러 forms.

Dictionary Form –(으)러 Dictionary Form –(으)러
타다 타러 먹다 먹으러
배우다 보다
걷다 마시다
쓰다 만들다

<Answer Key> 배우러, 보러, 걸으러, 마시러, 쓰러, 만들러

연습 1. (으)러 가다/오다

Complete the sentences below using –(으)러.

1) 지난 토요일 저녁에 우리집에 친구가 ______________ 왔어요. (놀다)

2) 어제 오후에는 자전거를 ______________ 한강 공원에 갔어요. (타다)

3) 요즘 매일 아침 태권도를 ______________ 태권도장에 다녀요1. (배우다)

4) 월요일, 수요일, 금요일 오전에 한국어 수업 ______________ 학교에 가요. (듣다)

5) 다음 학기에는 한국으로 ______________ 갈 거예요. (공부하다)

6) 우리 어머니는 보통 옷을 ______________ 아울렛 쇼핑몰2에 가세요. (사다)

1다니다: to attend/go regularly

2아웃렛 쇼핑몰: outlet shopping mall

연습 2. (으)러 가다/오다

Complete the following story about Tylor’s day using words below.  You can use each word only once.

놀다    배우다     먹다     보다     듣다     읽다

나는 지난 3월에 한국어를 _____________한국에 왔어요.

매일 아침 한국어 수업을 _____________ 학교에 가요.

한국어 수업이 재미있고 친구들도 많아요.  오늘 한국어 수업이 끝나고

점심을 _____________ 학생식당에 갔어요.  학생식당 음식은 맛있어요.

오늘 메뉴는 불고기하고 된장찌개였어요.  점심을 먹고 책을 _____________도서관에 갔어요.

숙제도 했어요. 그리고 친구들하고 영화를 _____________학교 앞 극장에 갔어요.

영화를 보고 집에 왔어요.  집에서 저녁을 먹고 친구 집에 _____________갔어요.

친구하고 같이 게임을 했어요.  집에 밤 11시쯤 왔어요.

연습 3. (으)러 가다/오다

Why do you go there? Ask each other the purpose of going to the following places.

(맛보기)    도서관

나: 공부하러 도서관에 가요.

반 친구 1: 숙제하러 도서관에 가요.

반 친구 2: 낮잠1 자러 도서관에 가요.

1낮잠 nap

반 친구1 반 친구2
도서관 공부하러 가요 숙제하러 가요 낮잠 자러 가요
한강 공원
테니스 코트
댄스 스튜디오1

1댄스 스튜디오: dance studio



1. –기 nominalizer

The suffix –기 is a nominalizer, which allows verbs and adjectives to function like nouns (very much like the gerund –ing in English in Catching a cold is no fun).

읽기     reading        쓰기     writing

말하기  speaking     듣기     listening

Once verbs are changed into –기 forms, just like in English, they can act as the subject or the object of the sentence.

자전거 타기는 어려워요.     Riding a bicycle is difficult.

요리하기는 쉬워요.             Cooking is easy.

저는 말하기는 잘 하지만 쓰기는 잘 못 해요.    I am good at speaking but not very good at writing.

2. Conjugation Practice

Complete the followingtable with the appropriate –기 forms.

Dictionary Form –기 Dictionary Form –기
타다 타기 앉다 앉기
배우다 보다
걷다 마시다
쓰다 만들다

<Answer key> 배우기, 보기, 걷기, 마시기, 쓰기, 만들기

연습 1. –기

Change the following verbs to noun forms by using –기

(맛보기) 게임하다 -> 게임하기

점심(을) 먹다 -> 음악(을) 듣다 -> 친구(를) 만나다 -> 자전거(를) 타다 ->
자다 -> 책(을) 읽다 -> 마스크(를) 쓰다1 -> 테니스(를) 치다 ->

1마스크 쓰다: to wear a mask

연습 2. –기

List things to do to prepare for your friend’s birthday party. You are having a birthday party. Make a list of things to do to prepare for the party using –기. Use an online dictionary for new expressions.

1) Inviting friends 친구 초대하기
2) Cleaning
3) Making a cake

연습 3. –기

With your classmate(s), create a list of what you like and dislike doing.

Things we like doing/Things we dislike doing

좋아해요 안 좋아해요
영화 보기 시험 보기
영화 보기 시험 보기
영화 보기 시험 보기
영화 보기 시험 보기

Things that are difficult or easy

쉬워요 어려워요
한국어 배우기 스키 타기
영화 보기 영화 보기
영화 보기 영화 보기
영화 보기 영화 보기

해 봐요! Let’s Cook!

Interpretive Task 1. 듣기 Listening

Listen to the conversation between Juan and Sophie and answer the following questions in Korean.

1) What is Sophie’s plan for the upcoming weekend?

2) Is Juan going to join the event? Why?

3) When are Juan and Sophie going to meet?

4) What is the event about?

Interpretive Task 2. 읽기 Reading

Read the following text––Joonsung’s weekly planner––and complete the schedule planner in Korean. Use an online dictionary if needed.

우리 동아리는 다음 주 토요일 저녁에 한국 영화 ‘기생충’을 볼 거예요. 오후 5시에 영화를 보고 7시 30분에 짜장라면을 먹을 거예요. 후안 씨도 올 거예요. 후안 씨는 그 영화를 벌써 봤어요. 그래서  저녁 7시 30분에 짜장라면을 같이 먹으러 올 거예요.

이번 주        수:  5:30  pm   한국어 쓰기 숙제하기

1231231231금: 엄마하고 전화하기. 꼭!1

다음 주        토:  _______

1231231231일: 빨래하기

1꼭 Absolutely

Interpersonal Task 3. 말하고 발표하기

You and your friends are talking about future plans. After the conversation, share them with the class.

To-Do List
Plans for today
Plans for this week
Plans for next week
Plans for this winter
Your Own 1234123412341

한국 문화 Korean Flavors

Language Point

How to keep your conversation going in Korean

When having a conversation in any language, there needs to be some give and take, feedback and continuity. You have learned one good way to continue a conversation in Korean: using–-은/는 to add contrast or a new topic. You can turn the question back to the other person or to yourself, adding your info or viewpoint:

서준:   주말에 뭐 할 거예요?                What are you going to do this weekend?

지안:   수영할 거예요. 서준 씨는요?    I’m going swimming at a lake. How about you?

서준:   와, 금요일이에요! 이번 주말에는 푹 쉴 거예요.

I’m so glad it’s Friday. I’m really going to rest this weekend.

지안:   저는 월요일에 시험이 있어요. 그래서 못 쉬어요!

Well, I have a test on Monday, so no resting for me!

서준: 내일 산책할 거예요.                I am going to take a walk tomorrow.

지안: 산책은 건강에 좋아요!           (Taking) walks is good for your health.

You also need to provide some feedback to show your interest. Here are some useful expressions:

Common interjections:

  • 아이고 Oh, no! Oh, brother! Oh, geez! (usually to something bad)
  • 어머 What? (mostly used by female speakers)
  • 어 (cut short) reacts to something unexpected
  • 헐 What the ~?
  • 와/대박 Wow! (something amazing)

Frequently used phrases:

  • 어떻게 해요/어떡해요? What are you/we gonna do? (rhetorically)
  • 아, 그래요? Oh, really? yeah?
  • 정말? Really?
  • 진짜? Seriously?
  • 와, 좋겠어요! That’ll be nice! Great! OR Lucky!

Watch some Korean conversations online – dramas or movies or vlogs – and see what conversational feedback you can pick up on.

Culture: 얼마나 자주 한국 사람은…? How often do Koreans…?

Han River Park  (한강공원)12312312312312312312312

Image by yeon woo lee from Pixabay

What are you doing this weekend? How about heading to the Han River Park?

Han River Park (or Hangang Park) is actually made up of 12 parks/sections. It was created in the 1980s to provide peaceful green space in the middle of bustling Seoul. A revival project also began in 2007 and is ongoing, with special themes for each section of the park. The extensive park is both pride and a treasure for Seoulites and is frequently featured in Korean TV shows and movies. Many festivals take place here during the summer as well as leisure, art, and sports activities year-round!

There are wide open lawns for picnics and food stands where you can grab some instant ramyun even on a cold or rainy day. Since the park extends along the river, there is space for walking and swimming as well as paths for running and cycling. There are also soccer fields, skate parks, tennis courts, and many water-based activity areas (and rentals) such as boating, fishing, and water-skiing. In the winter, there is also sledding.

Next time you are in Seoul, head to Han River Park, have some chicken delivered and do 치맥 with friends and family!

할 수 있어요! I got this!

1rCheck to see if you can do the following.

  • I can talk about my plans in simple sentences.
  • I can simply describe the reason why I go/come to places.
  • I can write a to-do list.
Listening Script

소피: 후안 씨, 요즘 잘 지내요?

후안: 네, 소피 씨는 어떻게 지내요?

소피:  건강하게 잘 지내요.   후안 씨,  혹시 다음 주 토요일에 시간 있어요?

후안:  네, 시간 있어요. 왜요?

소피:  우리 동아리에서 영화 기생충을 볼 거예요. 친구들하고 같이 보러 오세요.

후안: 아이고, 지난 주말에 방 친구들하고 그 영화 벌써 봤어요.

소피: 아, 그래요….  우리 동아리에서 영화 보고 짜장라면 같이 먹을 거예요.

후안: 우아, 대박! 짜장라면 만들기 쉬워요?

소피: 진짜 빠르고 쉬워요. 후안 씨도 먹으러 오세요.

후안: 진짜요? 몇 시 쯤에 먹을 거예요?

소피: 음….. 7시 반쯤에 먹을 거예요. 오세요.

후안: 좋아요. 다음 주. 토요일 저녁. 일곱 시 반. 고마워요!

소피:네, 그럼 다음 주에 봐요.

스스로 해봐요! Now You Try!



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You Speak Korean! Book 1 Copyright © 2023 by Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, Haewon Cho, Angela Lee-Smith, and Mijeong Kim is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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