Main Body

7 Lesson 5: 수요일에 공원에서 운동해요.

학습 목표 Goals

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Say the days of the week
  • Talk about locations of activities
  • Discuss your weekly schedule using 하다 and other verbs

들어가기 Setting Up

Lesson Focus

같이 얘기해 봐요! Share your thoughts!

Talk with your classmates about your typical weekly schedule. Are their activities much different from yours?

Read the dialogue below. What is he going to do tomorrow and the following day? How about you?

In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about some daily activities using compound verbs made with하다. You will also learn how to emphasize the activity with the object particle.

단어 Ingredients

행위 동사 Activity Verbs

공부하다 (해요) 쇼핑하다 (해요) 아르바이트하다 (해요) 운동하다 (해요) 청소하다 (해요)
to study to shop to work part-time to exercise to clean
boy reading a book
파티하다(해요) 놀다 (놀아요) 만나다 (만나요) 먹다 (먹어요) 읽다 (읽어요)
to party to play to meet to eat to read

요일 Days of the Week

월요일 Monday 금요일 Friday
화요일 Tuesday 토요일 Saturday
수요일 Wednesday 일요일 Sunday
목요일 Thursday 일주일 [일쭈일], 주 one week, week

새 단어와 표현 New Vocabulary and Expressions

백화점 department store 그럼/그러면 if so, if then
아침 breakfast; morning 그렇지만 [그러치만] but
저녁 dinner; evening 많이 a lot
점심 lunch; early afternoon 아주 very (much)
많다 to be abundant –들 plural particle
재미있다 to be fun/entertaining –에서 in, at, on (location particle used with activity verbs)
좋다 to be good –을/를 object particle
무슨 요일이에요? What day is it?

단어 메모지 Vocabulary Notes

1. 하다 compound verbs

하다’s general meaning is to do, but it can act as a “dummy” verb, turning a noun (X) into a verb or adjective with the meaning to do/be X. The verb root is 하, but it is an irregular verb, and its –어 form is 해:

Noun Meaning 하다-Verb Meaning
노래 song 노래하다 (해요) (someone) sings
전화 telephone 전화하다 (해요) (someone) phone calls
word 말하다 (해요) (someone) says, speaks
한국 말 Korean language 한국 말하다 (해요) (someone) speaks Korean

2. 무슨 요일 what day (of the week)

무슨 요일 means what day of the week?

가: 오늘 무슨 요일이에요?                        What day is it today?

나: 수요일이에요.                                        It’s Wednesday.

To ask (on) what day a certain activity takes place, you have to use the time particle –에. (You may end up saying more than one –에 in a sentence if you have other times or place locations to express.)

가: 무슨 요일에 학교에 가요?                    On what day do you go to school?

나: 금요일 가요.                                        I go on Friday.

3. 그렇지만 and 그래서 but, so

Like 그리고 and 그런데, 그렇지만 and 그래서 are sentence connectors, and they follow a period in written Korean:

오늘은 토요일이에요. 그렇지만 학교에 가요.           It’s Saturday today, but I go to school.

오늘은 금요일이에요. 그래서 파티해요!                    It’s Friday today, which is why I am partying!

그런데 and 그렇지만 can be used interchangeably.

A more laid-back version of 그렇지만 is 하지만, comparable to ‘though’ added as an afterthought in English.

발음 가이드 Pronunciation Guide

, you are the Weakest Link!

ㅎ is pronounced like the English h at the beginning of a word:

학생                    학교                          한국어                       화장실

Within a word, it gets merged with neighboring ㅂ, ㄷ, ㄱ to become ㅍ, ㅌ, ㅋ:

그렇지만 [그러치만] however                특히 [트키] especially

It is not pronounced after ㄴ or ㄹ in complex final consonants.

많아요 [마나요] to be plenty               끊어요 [끈어요] to cut, hang up (phone)

말해요 [마래요] to say                          한국 말해요 [한궁 마래요] to speak Korean

It often disappears in fast speech when it comes in the middle of a word or as the final consonant:

전화 [저놔, 저나]                                      수희 [수이] a person’s name

안녕히 계세요 [안녕이 게세요]              안녕히 가세요 [안녕이 가세요]

단어 연습 Vocabulary Exercises

연습 1. New Vocabulary and Expressions

What do you usually do in the following places?

슈퍼 도서관 공원 교실 식당

연습 2. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Ask your partner when 세영 does the following activities, and your partner will answer you based on 세영’s schedule below. Take turns.

(맛보기) 가: 세영이 무슨 요일에 공부해요?        나: 화요일하고 목요일에 해요!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

연습 3. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Ask what days of the week your partner does these activities. Take turns.

(맛보기)    Q: 무슨 요일에 운동해요?    A: 화요일하고 목요일에 운동해요

1) 운동해요.

2) 파티해요.

3) 친구하고 놀아요

4) 청소해요.

5) 친구 만나요.

6) 한국어 공부해요.

연습 4. New Vocabulary and Expressions

Which connector should it be? 그리고, 그래서, or 그렇지만/그런데?

1) 내 방이에요. 방에 탁자하고 스탠드가 있어요. __________ 친구 사진도 있어요.

2) 저는 오늘 친구 집에 가요. ___________ 도서관에도 가요.

3) 내일 월요일이에요. ___________ 수업이 없어요.

4) 저는 아침에 운동해요. ___________저녁에는 운동 안 해요.

5) 저는 돈이 없어요. ____________ 아르바이트해요.

문법과 표현 Recipe

1. –을/를 해요


1. –을/를 Object particle

You have already learned many important noun particles. In addition to those with transparent meaning like –도 and –하고, you also know the topic particle –은/는, and the subject particle –이/가. The object particle –을/를 introduced here is conceptually the opposite of the subject particle. If the subject is on the doing or giving end, the grammatical object is at the receiving end, where the object “receives” or undergoes the action done by the subject. The particle –/ marks the grammatical (direct) object of the verb in a sentence. As you may have guessed, you use –을 when the object noun ends in a consonant and –를 when it ends in a vowel.

Subject Subject Particle Object Object Particle Verb Translation
1 세영 지우 만나요. Seyoung meets Jiwoo.
2 하루토 읽어요. Haruto reads/is reading a book.
3 니콜 한국 음식 먹어요. Nicole eats/is eating Korean food.

“Object” is a grammatical term and does not mean just inanimate items, so a person, animal, thing, or even concept (basically, any noun) can be the object of the sentence

Like –이/가, the object particle ‑을/를 is also frequently not said or shrunk down to ㄹ in spoken Korean.

뭐를 먹어요? → 뭐 먹어요?, 뭘 먹어요?

Again, we insist that you practice with the particles in place. You can quickly learn to omit what you know, but it is not possible to retrieve what you never learned!

2. 해요 verbs

When you do (something), you inevitably have a recipient of the action. For that reason, the 해요 verb always requires a grammatical OBJECT. In 하다-compound verbs like 공부해요 and 노래해요, the OBJECT is sort of incorporated into the verb (공부 a study and 노래 a song being the OBJECTS). So, in formal (as well as in written) Korean, in which everything is spelled out clearly, the OBJECT is often separated from the verb and the object particle attached, like so: 공부  해요. The OBJECT noun then is treated as a separate word, necessitating a space before the verb 해요. (Note that the basic order of words is subject-object-verb in Korean, unlike English which is subject-verb-object.):

전화해요      →       전화 해요       →       전화를 해요    calls/is calling

쇼핑해요      →        쇼핑 해요      →       쇼핑을 해요    shops/is shopping

There is no meaning difference between 전화해요 and 전화 해요, but 전화 해요 in spoken Korean is more often an answer to a clarification question “ 해요?” and focuses on what one is doing. 전화해요, on the other hand, is a neutral report of the overall activity. In written Korean, always put the particle in.

When you have another object in the sentence with a 해요-compound verb, only use the object particle once either on the “additional” object or on the first half of the compound verb, but not both:

저는 방 청소해요.                        I am cleaning my room.

OR 저는 방 청소 해요.                I am cleaning my room.

저는 한국어 공부 해요.               I study Korean.

저는 한국어 공부해요.                I study Korean.

3. Negation of 해요 verbs

For Noun + 해요 verb compounds, you always have to split them into Noun (–을/를) + 해요 in order to insert 안   Noun (–을/를)  +  안  해요.  The object particle –을/를may be dropped.

세영은 월요일에 공부해요.                    Seyoung studies on Mondays.

세영은 토요일에 안공부해요.                Seyoung doesn’t study on Saturdays.

세영은 토요일에 공부 안 해요.              Seyoung doesn’t study on Saturdays.

세영은 토요일에 공부를 안 해요.         Seyoung doesn’t study on Saturdays.

연습 1. –을/를 해요

Would you use -을 or -를?  Take turns with your partner reading the sentences out loud.

(맛보기)  세영은 슈퍼에 있어요. 아르바이트 해요.

1) 웨이는 도서관에  가요.  한국어  책______  읽어요.

2) 후안은 집에  있어요. 청소______  해요.

3) 하루토는 식당에 있어요. 중국  음식______  먹어요.

4) 니콜은 백화점에  있어요.  친구하고  쇼핑_______  해요.

5) 알리사는 커피숍에  가요.  친구______  만나요.

연습 2. –을/를 해요

Ask and answer the questions as shown in the example. Use 뭐, 누구, 무슨 요일, or 어디 in the questions.

(맛보기)   공부하다: Q: 뭐를 공부해요?                  A: 한국어를 공부해요.

111111111OR               Q: 뭐를 공부(를) 안 해요?    A: 수학 (Math)을 공부(를) 안 해요.

1) 공부하다

2) 청소하다

3) 쇼핑하다

4) 파티하다

5) 운동하다

6) 먹다 (먹어요)

7) 만나다 (만나요)

8) 읽다 (읽어요)

2. V–아/어요 Casual-polite present tense I


In the previous lesson, you learned how to use the casual-polite present tense. Now let’s learn how to conjugate verbs for the casual-polite present tense.

1. Dictionary Forms

The dictionary form of a verb has the –다 suffix and is only used for talking about the word or listing it in a dictionary. Whatever shows up before 다 is the root (some called the “stem”) of the verb. Can you tell the root of the following verbs?

있다                 없다                 가다                 만나다              살다                 놀다

Answer: they are 있, 없, 가, 만나, 살, and 놀!

In present tense verb conjugation, bright vowels in the root go together with bright vowels in the suffix, and dark vowels with dark ones. In this lesson, we are focusing on bright vowels. Bright vowels are and (and their derivatives like ㅐ); all other vowels are dark.

2. How to conjugate bright vowels

If the last vowel of the verb root is bright ( or ), then the suffix you need is –(요). Can you figure out the conjugation of the verbs 살다 to live and 놀다 to play/hang out?

Answer: they are 살(요) and 놀(요)!

One more thing to note! If a verb root ends in ㅏ or a derivative (ㅑ,ㅐ, ㅒ)  without any final consonant, the of the conjugation is deleted (or not needed). So instead of 가아요, it’s just 가요. Can you figure out how to conjugate 만나다 to meet, 내다 to give out/pay/submit?

Answer: they are 만나(요) and 내(요)!

Here is a summary table of the verb conjugation for roots whose final vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ:

Verb Root Dictionary Form Root + 아 Politeness Suffix Examples
The last vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ 가다 수업에 가요. I go to class.
내다 숙제를 내요. I turn in homework.
놀다 놀아 친구하고 놀아요. I play with my friend.
앉다 앉아 의자에 앉아요. I sit on the chair.
놓다 놓아 책상에 놓아요. I put (it) on the desk.

3. How to conjugate dark vowels

If a syllable has neither ㅏ nor  ㅗ in it, that is, the last (or the only) vowel of the verb root is dark, then you add – (요) to conjugate. works with all vowels except ㅏ or ㅗ. Also, as in the case of 서다, when the verb root ends in ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅔ, or ㅖ without any final consonant, the ㅓ is dropped (or not needed). So for 서다, instead of 서어요, it’s just 서요 to stand/stop. Can you figure out how to conjugate 켜다 to turn on?

Answer: It is  켜(요)!

Here is a summary chart of the verb conjugation for the roots whose final vowel is  not ㅏ or ㅗ:

Verb Root Dictionary Form Root + 어 Politeness Suffix Examples
The last vowel is neither ㅏ nor ㅗ
읽다 읽어 한국어 책을 읽어요. I read a Korean book.
먹다 먹어 저녁을 먹어요. I eat dinner.
서다 거기에 서요. Stand/stop there.
켜다 전등을 켜요. I turn on the light(s).

4. Conjugation Practice

Complete the following table with the appropriate casual-polite verb conjugations.

Dictionary Form –아/어요 Dictionary Form –아/어요
가다 가요 먹다 먹어요
읽다 놀다
운동하다 쇼핑하다

<Answer key> 읽어요, 놀아요, 운동해요, 쇼핑해요

연습 1. Casual-polite present tense I

Ask your partner what the following people do on the day noted. Take turns!

(맛보기)   가: 지우하고 니콜이 토요일에 뭐 해요?   나: 생일 파티를 해요.











Saturday (B.D.)

지우하고 니콜



연습 2. Casual-polite present tense I

Conjugate the verb in parentheses and have a short conversation with your partner. Take turns! 😊

(맛보기)   A: 오늘 친구하고 만나요 (만나다)?      B: 네, 만나요 or 아니요.

1) 오늘 어디에 ___________? (가다)

2) 내일 어디에 ___________? (가다)

3) 오늘 선생님하고 ____________? (만나다)

4) 오늘 친구하고 ____________? (놀다)

5) 금요일에 누구하고 ____________? (놀다)

6) 아침에 뭐 ___________? (먹다)

7) 점심에 뭐 ___________? (먹다)

8) 한국어 책을 ___________? (읽다)

9) 가방에 뭐가 __________? (있다)

10) 집에 뭐가 __________? (없다)

3. –에서 and –에 


1. –에서 Location particle (of activity) particle

You already know the particle -에 can mark a destination with verbs like go and come, or mark a location point with 있다.

오늘 친구들이 우리 집 와요.                       My friends are coming to my house today.

책상 위 책하고 공책이 있어요.                    There is a book and a notebook on the desk.

To mark the location of an activity that goes on for some time, however, another particle –에서 needs to be used. Whereas 공원에 있어요 is a good sentence (because there is no activity), 공원에 운동해요 is ungrammatical in Korean.  That is, when the meaning of the verb involves an activity with some duration (e.g. do, play, write, run, or study), –에서 must be used for the location and not –에:

저는 공원에서 운동해요.                                  I exercise at the park.

알리사는 카페에서 친구를 만나요.                  Alyssa is meeting her friend at the café.

The verb 자요 to sleep is considered an action verb by Korean speakers:

엘라는 오늘 친구 집에서 자요.                         Ella sleeps at her friend’s house today.

For verbs like 앉아요 sit, 서요 stand/stop, 누워요 lie down, 놓아요 put and 넣어요 put into, which involve contact with a fixed location, you need to use the stative particle –에:

의자 앉아요.                                                  I sit on the chair

책을 책장 넣어요.                                          I put the book in the bookcase.

Try to grasp the concept and memorize the words that appear in the vocabulary section!

With the verb 살아요 live, either the duration or the stative location (the exact “point”) can be emphasized:

웨이는 엄마하고 아파트에서 살아요.               Wei lives/is living in an apartment with his mom.

웨이는 엄마 집 살아요.                                  Wei lives at his mom’s house.

2. –에  Time particle

The point particle –에 can also be used to express a point in time when something happens. (Note that you don’t need to use –에 after 매일, 오늘 and 내일 just like you never say on tomorrow or in today in English). It is used only once after a series of time expressions (day, time of day, hour, etc.).

금요일에 학교에 가요.                      I go to school on Friday.

금요일 저녁에 식당에서 만나요.    Let’s meet at the restaurant Friday evening.

오늘 친구하고 만나요.                      I am meeting my friend today.

오늘 저녁에 파티해요.                      We will be partying this evening.

3. Stacking of particles –에는, –에서는, –에도, –에서도

You might have noticed that sometimes more than one particle comes after a noun. Typically, the addition particle –도 and –은/는 as a contrast particle may come after time and location words:

준우는 아침에 운동해요. 그리고 저녁에도 운동해요.

Junwoo works out in the morning, and he also works out in the evening.

집에서는 요리를 안 해요.  그렇지만 기숙사에서는 해요.

At home, I don’t cook, but in the dorm, I do.

토요일에 식당에 가요. 그리고 백화점에도 가요.

I am going to a restaurant this Saturday. And I am also going to a department store.

The subject particle –이/가 and the object particle –을/를 may NOT be used with other particles. Other particles REPLACE them:

웨이가 백화점에서 쇼핑해요. 그리고 민준 백화점에서 쇼핑해요.

Wei is shopping at the department store. And Minjoon is also shopping at the department store.

저는 오늘 친구를 만나요. 그런데 한국어 선생님 안 만나요.

I am meeting my friend today. But I am not meeting a Korean teacher.

연습 1. –에 or –에서?

Fill in the blanks with –에 or –에서, thinking critically about whether the place is a destination, stationary location, location for an activity, or a time expression. Consider the context. If neither is needed, write an X.

(맛보기) 지우는 집 있어요. 집에서 자요.

1)  저는  식당______  있어요.  식당_____  친구하고  한국  음식을 먹어요.

2)  웨이는 내일 _______  백화점______  가요.  백화점______  쇼핑을  해요.

3)  토요일  아침_______  하루토는  편의점_______  아르바이트를 해요.

4)  오늘_______  니콜은  친구  집______  파티를  해요.  그래서  지금_______  친구  집______  있어요.


5)  화유는 토요일하고 일요일에 파티를 해요. 그런데 월요일_________ 파티를 안 해요.

6) 하린은 월요일하고 수요일에 운동을 해요. 그리고 토요일________ 운동을 해요.

연습 2. Juan’s Week

You and your partner have a copy of Juan’s weekly schedule (A and B), but both are missing some information. Find out from each other the missing days to complete the schedule.  Take turns asking, using –은/는요 in your follow-up questions.

(맛보기)     Q: 후안이 월요일에 뭐 해요?      A: 도서관에서 아르바이트를 해요.

1111111111   Q: 수요일은요?                              A: ___________________________

A 월요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 도서관에서 아르바이트를 해요.
화요일 내일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그래서 카페에서 공부를 해요.
목요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 저녁에 인터넷에서 쇼핑해요.
토요일 친구하고 영화관에 가요. 혼자 공원에서 운동해요.
B 월요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 도서관에서 아르바이트를 해요.
수요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 도서관에서 아르바이트가 있어요.
금요일 지우하고 니콜이 노래방에서 파티를 해요. 그래서 노래방 가요.
일요일 집에 있어요. 집에서 청소해요.

연습 3. 어디에서?

Walk around the classroom and ask at least four of your classmates about where they do the following activities. Then report the results to the class using the object particle –을/를.

two girls doing yoga on grass

(맛보기)    쇼핑하다 –>  니콜: 어디에서 쇼핑해요?         웨이: 백화점에서 해요.

111111111Report to the class: 웨이 씨는 백화점에서 쇼핑을 해요.

한국어 숙제를 하다 친구를 만나다 운동하다 한국 음식을 먹다 Your own
친구 1
친구 2
친구 3
친구 4

해 봐요! Let’s Cook!

Interpretive Task 1. 듣기 Listening

Wei is talking to Alyssa on the phone. Listen to their conversation and answer the following questions in Korean.

1) What is Alyssa doing now?

2) Where will Alyssa be on Friday?

3) Does Alyssa want to go shopping or not? Why?

4) What will Alyssa and Wei do this Saturday?

Interpretive Task 2. 읽기 Reading

Read the schedule Juan has made for the coming week and answer the following questions.

월요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 도서관에서 아르바이트가 있어요.
화요일 수요일에 한국어 시험1이 있어요. 그래서 카페에서 공부를 해요.
수요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 도서관에서 아르바이트가 있어요.
목요일 한국어 수업이 있어요. 그리고 저녁에 인터넷에서 쇼핑해요.
금요일 지우하고 니콜이 노래방에서 파티를 해요. 그래서 노래방 가요.
토요일 친구하고 영화관에 가요. 혼자 공원에서 운동해요.
일요일 집에 있어요. 집에서 청소해요.

Which of the following statements are true?

1) Juan has Korean classes Monday through Thursday.                        T         F

2) Juan exercises on Thursday and Friday.                                            T         F

3) Jiwoo and Nicole are hosting a party at a restaurant on Friday.       T         F

4) Juan stays at home on Sunday.                                                          T         F

1시험: test

Interpersonal Task 3. 말하기 Speaking

Our Weekly Schedules

You want to hang out with your classmates next week. Interview two classmates about what they are doing during the week. (Be sure to provide the place of your activity when it is your turn to answer.) Fill out the following chart with the information you collect and decide with whom and what you want to do next week.

(맛보기)  월요일 –>  가: OO 씨, 월요일에 뭐 해요?

11111111111111111111.  나: 집에서 인터넷해요.

가: 수요일에는요?

나: 도서관에서 아르바이트 해요…

월요일 수요일 금요일 토요일 일요일
친구 1
친구 2

한국 문화 Korean Flavors

Language Point

Clipping, Trimming, and Truncating – Abbreviation of Common Words

When hanging out with Korean friends, you will hear them speak of 알바, a shorthand for 아르바이트 (from the German word arbeit). Words borrowed from Western languages can feel too long in Korean so they are often shortened:

아파트  apartment              파마 (hair) perm              에어컨 air conditioner

Like anywhere else in the world, Korean youngsters love to use clipped words and borrowings in casual conversations, typically taking the first syllable of nouns or each word in a compound. Can you guess what the following words mean?

베프          생선           생파            미드          치맥            스벅           아카           강추

(Answer) 베스트 프렌드 (best friend), 생일 선물 (birthday present), 생파 (birthday party), 미국 드라마 (American TV dramas), 치킨하고 맥주 (chicken and beer), 스타벅스 (Starbucks), 아메리카노 (Americano), 강력 추천 (strongly recommended)


Friyay (불금) and Monday Blues (월요병)


According to a recent Gallup survey, Koreans’ most favorite day of the week is Friday and their least favorite day is Tuesday. Very much like the English expression TGIF, a newly coined word 불금 (불타는 금요일 “fiery Friday) professes Korean office workers’ fervid excitement about entering into the weekend. The work week begins on Monday in Korea, thus many people suffer from 월요병 Monday Syndrome.

할 수 있어요! I got this!

1rCheck to see if you can do the following.

  • I can say the days of the week.
  • I can talk about my weekly schedule using 하다 verbs.
Listening Script

(따르릉~ 따르릉~)

알리사:     웨이 씨, 안녕하세요!

웨이:         알리사 씨, 지금 뭐 해요?

알리사:     한국어 공부해요. 내일 아침에 시험이 있어요.

웨이:         아, 그래요? 금요일 오후에는요?

알리사:     금요일에는 보통 집에 있어요. 그런데 숙제가 많아요.  그래서 바빠요.

웨이:         그럼 토요일은요? 토요일은 괜찮아요?

알리사:     네, 괜찮아요.

웨이:         그럼 저하고 백화점에서 같이 쇼핑해요.

알리사:     아, 그런데 돈이 없어요.

웨이:         사실 나도 돈이 없어요. 그럼 같이 운동해요!

알리사:     좋아요!

스스로 해봐요! Now You Try!


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You Speak Korean! Book 1 Copyright © 2023 by Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, Haewon Cho, Angela Lee-Smith, and Mijeong Kim is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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