I. Main Body

5 Lesson 3

Lesson 3: 책상 위에 가족 사진이 있어요.
Grammar Exercises: 문법 연습

Exercise 1. 뭐가 있어요? 뭐가 없어요?

Now you have a Korean student, Jisong, who is looking for a room to stay while she is studying abroad in the United States. The room in the picture is what you found for her. Please describe the room for her.

Image Source: Pixabay

1. 책상 책상이 있어요.
2. 의자 _________________________________________________
3. 침대 _________________________________________________
4. 스탠드 _________________________________________________
5. 냉장고 _________________________________________________
6. 옷장 _________________________________________________
7. 창문 _________________________________________________

Exercise 2. 누가 어디에 있어요?

Based on the picture given, describe the location of each person.

Image Source: Freepik

1. 선생님이 세영 씨 앞에 있어요.

2. 세영 씨가 지민 씨 _______________ 있어요.

3. 후안 씨가 세영 씨 _______________ 있어요.

4. 리암 씨가 후안 씨 _______________ 있어요.

5. 지송 씨가 지민 씨 _______________ 있어요.

Exercise 3. 어디에 있어요?

This is Jimin’s room. Can you describe the exact location of an item with respect to the other item?

Image Source: Pexels

1. 침대, 창문 침대가 어디에 있어요? ⇒ 침대는 창문 옆에 있어요.
2. 책상, 의자
3. 가족 사진, 침대
4. 책상, 스탠드
5. 옷장, 침대

Exercise 4. 방에 뭐가 있어요?

Tell us what items each person has or not using noun marker -도 and -은/는. Make two sentences and connect them using 그리고 and 그런데.

내  방 세영이의 방 선생님의 방 한국어 교실 내 지갑
책상 O, 의자 O 침대 O, 옷장 O 냉장고 X, 스탠드 X 컴퓨터 O,  책장X 돈X, 카드 O
1. 내 방 제 방에 책상이 있어요. 그리고 의자도 있어요.
2. 세영이 방
3. 선생님의 방
4. 한국어 교실
5. 내 지갑


Exercise 5. Listening

Listen to your Korean friend’s questions and audio-record your answers.


1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

Wrap Up: 단원 정리

Write a description

Describe your room to your friend who has never seen it. List at least 7 items and explain where each of them is located with respect to the other item in your room.












You Speak Korean! Workbook 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Yookyung Lee. All Rights Reserved.

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