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Lesson 8 Communicative Tasks

Lesson 8

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Interpretive Communication: understand important dates and related activities, and comprehend a short description about past activities.
  • Interpersonal Communication: talk about past events with connectives, and discuss the dates and activities of important events such as birthdays.
  • Presentational Communication: present about how Koreans celebrate their birthdays. 
  • Intercultural Communication: provide appropriate congratulatory messages and gifts to a birthday person, explain how Koreans celebrate their birthdays, and say the dates of important Korean holidays.

Task 1. 뽀로로 생일 파티

Pororo is talking about his big birthday party last weekend! Listen to what Pororo says and answer the questions.

  1. Read the following statements and mark True or False.
    1. 뽀로로 생일은 10월 20일이었어요.  (True      False)
    2. 뽀로로 생일에 동생이 못 왔어요. (True      False)
    3. 친구들이 선물을 줬어요. (True       False)
  1. Audio-record your answer to the following questions:

생일이 언제예요? 지난 생일에 뭐 했어요? 어땠어요?

Task 2. 누구예요?

(A) Interviewer: You are interviewing a historical figure/celebrity. Ask five questions and find out who that person is.

(B) Historical Figure/Celebrity: Research the life of a historical figure/celebrity of your choice and answer the questions.



가: 생일이 며칠이에요?

나: 5월 15일이에요.

가: 몇 년에 태어났어요?

나: 1397년에 태어났어요.

가: 어디에서 살았어요?

나: 서울에서 살았어요.


가: 직업이 뭐였어요?

나: 왕이었어요.

가: 아, 그래요! 무슨 일을 했어요? 두 개 얘기해 주세요.

나: 한글을 만들고 가르쳤어요.

가: 아, 세종대왕이에요?

나: 네, 그래요.

(Helpful Vocabulary)

  • 태어나다: to be born
  • 년: year
  • 1397:  천삼백구십칠 (천:1,000; 백: 100)
  • 직업: occupation
  • 얘기해 주세요: Please tell (me).

Task 3. 생일을 축하해요!

Find a video clip that illustrates how Korean people celebrate their birthdays. Write a short description about it and present it to the class. Use the past tense to describe how they celebrated a birthday in the video.

(Example) 아이들의 생일이었어요. 생일 축하 노래를 하고 국수를 먹었어요….














Task 4. 지난 주말에 뭐 했어요?

I know what you did last weekend! Ask and answer the questions about the past weekend.


가: 지난 토요일이 며칠이었어요?

나: O월 O일이었어요.

가: 지난 주말이 어땠어요?

나: 바빴어요.

가: 뭐 했어요?

나: 영화를 보고 친구 생일 파티에 갔어요.

가: 저는 영화를 봤지만 친구 생일 파티에 안 갔어요. 파티가 어땠어요?

나: 재미있었지만 좀 피곤했어요.

You Speak Korean



You Speak Korean: Communicative Tasks Beyond the Classroom 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Haewon Cho. All Rights Reserved.

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