I. Main Body

Lesson 4 Communicative Tasks

Lesson 4

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Interpretive Communication: Understand learned words and simple sentences related to places and activities; and comprehend simple questions about one’s daily activities
  • Interpersonal Communication: Ask and provide information about one’s daily activities using formulaic expressions

Task 1. 미나의 스케줄

Listen to the following narration on Mina’s schedule, and answer the questions in full sentences in Korean.

*바빠요 busy / 아침에 in the morning / 오후에 in the afternoon / 저녁에 at night


(1) Why is Mina going to school today?

(2) Where is Mina going this evening?

(3) What is Mina doing tomorrow afternoon?

(4) Where is Mina going tomorrow evening, with whom?

(5) Mina is going to library tomorrow morning. (True or False)

Task 2. 하루 스케줄

Interview your partners on their daily schedules. (or compare each other’s daily schedule). You should ask where they are going and/or what they are doing in a specific time of the day. Each person should have at least 6 meaningful lines. You may use the following time expressions: 아침에 in the morning, 점심에 during lunch time, 오후에 in the afternoon, 저녁에 at night.


1. 가: 오늘 점심에 어디에 가요?      나: 휴스턴홀에 가요.

2. 가: 누구하고 가요?      나: 친구하고 가요.

You Speak Korean



You Speak Korean: Communicative Tasks Beyond the Classroom 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Haewon Cho. All Rights Reserved.

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