I. Main Body

Lesson 1 Communicative Tasks

Lesson 1

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Interpretive Communication: understand a short introduction of one’s name and nationalities 
  • Interpersonal Communication: introduce your name and nationality and ask other’s names and nationalities in a short conversation
  • Presentational Communication. introduce yourself in a meeting 
  • Intercultural Communication: talk about hobby clubs in Korea.

Task 1. 세븐틴 퀴즈

Listen to the K-pop boy group, Seventeen’s self-introduction (1:25-2:25; Turn off the English Subtitle), and answer the following questions in full Korean sentences. Audio-record your answers.

  • Which members are from China?
  • Which members are main vocals (메인보컬)?
  • 조슈아 씨는 어느 나라 사람이에요?
  • 버논 씨는 어느 나라 사람이에요?

Task 2. 자전거 동호회

Imagine that you joined 자전거 (bike) 동호회 in Korea, and get to talk with another club member while riding. Taking turns, one person should read the provided lines, and the other person should make up their own lines, using the information provided.


(1) Conversation 1

A: 안녕하세요? 저는 이유비예요.

B: _____________________ (Name: 케이)

A: 네,  반가워요. 케이 씨는 어느 나라 사람이에요?

B: _____________________ (Nationality: China)

A: 아, 그래요? 저는 한국 사람이에요. 한국어 선생님이에요. *아, 그래요? Oh, is that so?

B: _____________________ (Job: K-pop dance teacher)

A: 오, 멋있어요! 저는 케이팝 댄스 좋아해요. *오, 멋있어요! Oh, cool!

B: _____________________ (Say anything you want!)


(2) Conversation 2

A: _____________________ (Name: 넬슨)

B: 안녕하세요, 전 (=저는) 사나예요

A: _____________________ (Nationality: US)

B: 전 일본 사람이에요. 연세대학교 학생이에요.

A: 아, 그래요? _____________________ (Job: singer)

B: 진짜요? 만나서 반가워요! *진짜요? Really?

A: _____________________ (Say anything you want!)


(3) Conversation 3

This time, make up a dialogue with at least 6 turns in total based on the information provided below.

  • Name: 써니; Nationality: England; Job: Actor
  • Name: 다니엘; Nationality: Mexico; Job: Chef




Image via https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/07/10/04/36/seoul-838878_1280.jpg

  • To relieve stress from work, many adults in Korea join clubs called 동호회 and enjoy their hobbies with others living in the same region.
  • Clubs in college are called 동아리 rather than 동호회.
  • Many bikers in Seoul enjoy riding along 한강 (Han river)

Task 3. 한국어 동아리

  • You are a new member of 한국어 동아리 at Penn and asked to introduce yourself in Korean in 동아리 orientation. 
  • Introduce yourself using all the expressions you have learned so far. 

You Speak Korean




You Speak Korean: Communicative Tasks Beyond the Classroom 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Haewon Cho. All Rights Reserved.

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