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Lesson 10 Communicative Tasks

Lesson 10

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Interpretive Communication: Understand one’s future plans
  • Interpersonal Communication: Ask for and answer questions about future plans, and talk about the reason why you go/come to places in simple sentences
  • Intercultural Communication: Use appropriate expressions and reactions to keep the conversation going

Task 1. 자까의 방학 계획

  1. Watch the attached clip titled 방학 계획 (Vacation plan) and find out what this student (자까) is planning to do during her school break.
  2. Talk about what she plans to do over the break and add your reflections. Use five to six sentences using –(으)ㄹ 거예요.

(Example) 자까는 기말 시험이 있어요. 그래서 스트레스가 많아요. 자까는 기말 시험이 끝나고 나서…

Useful Expressions

  • 겨울 방학: winter break
  • 개강: first day of instruction
  • 종강: last day of instruction
  • 기말 스트레스: final exam stress
  • 극에 치닫고 있다: go to extremes, reach its climax
  • 충분한 숙면: sufficient sleep
  • 바다: ocean
  • 중간 고사: midterm exam
  • 기말 고사: final exam
  • 계획: plan
  • 해뜨기 직전이 가장 어두운 법: The dawn right before the sunrise is the darkest.

Task 2. 겨울 방학 계획

Your winter break is just around the corner! Share your plans for winter break and the next year with your partner. Make sure you use the following expressions to keep your conversation going!

  • 어머 What? (mostly used by female speakers)
  • 어 (cut short) reacts to something unexpected
  • 헐 What the ~?
  • 와/대박 Wow! Awesome! (something amazing)
  • 아, 그래요? Oh, is that so?
  • 정말? 진짜? Really?
  • 와, 좋겠어요! That’ll be nice! Great! OR Lucky!
  • 아이고 Oh, no! Oh, brother! Oh, geez! (usually to something bad)
  • 어떻게 해요/어떡해요? What are you/we gonna do? (rhetorically)

Useful Expressions

  • OO 씨는 언제 기말 시험이 끝나요? ⇒ OO에 끝나요.
  • 기말 시험이 끝나고 나서 뭐 할 거예요?
  • 겨울 방학에는 뭐 할 거예요?
  • 2021년에는 뭐 할 거예요?
  • 할 수 있을 거예요 (You can do it). 파이팅!

You Speak Korean




You Speak Korean: Communicative Tasks Beyond the Classroom 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Haewon Cho. All Rights Reserved.

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