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Lesson 7 Communicative Tasks

Lesson 7

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Interpretive Communication: comprehend simple sentences with adjectives. 
  • Interpersonal Communication: ask and answer questions about what people do over the weekend, express one’s preference of hobbies, and make a suggestion to do something together over the weekend.
  • Presentational Communication: write a short invitation about a party.
  • Intercultural Communication: get to know how Koreans spend their leisure time and be able to compare and contrast leisure activities in Korea versus one’s culture.

Task 1. 어때요?

    • 1. Read the following sentences, and mark if they are logical or illogical. Five sentences are logical, and the other five sentences are illogical.

(Example) 학교가 맛없어요. (Logical  Illogical)

  1. 평일이 힘들어요. (Logical  Illogical)
  2. 텔리비전을 해요. (Logical  Illogical)
  3. 스키가 재미없어요. (Logical  Illogical)
  4. 춤이 괜찮아요. (Logical  Illogical)
  5. 테니스가 많아요. (Logical  Illogical)
  6. 주말이 좋아요. (Logical  Illogical)
  7. 동아리가 맛있어요. (Logical  Illogical)
  8. 스키를 쳐요. (Logical  Illogical)
  9. 운전을 해요. (Logical  Illogical)
  10. 수영을 타요. (Logical  Illogical)


2. Revise the five illogical sentences from above, so they make sense in Korean.

(Example) 학교가 맛없어요. → 케이크가 맛없어요 (or 학교가 재미없어요.)

Original Sentence (Write Q#) Revision










Task 2. 주말에 뭐 해요?

Step 1) The chart illustrates how Korean people spend their leisure time. Ask your partner if they do the activities as Korean people do.


(Source: http://www.korea.net/NewsFocus/policies/view?articleId=124043)

A: 한국 사람들은 주말에 티비를 봐요. OO 씨도 주말에 티비를 봐요?

B: 아니요, 저는 티비를 못 봐요. 숙제가 많아요.


Step 2) Suggest doing some activities over the weekend.

A: 주말에 같이 티비 봐요!

B: 좋아요. 2시 어때요?

A: 괜찮아요. 그럼 2시에 봐요.

Task 3. 한국어 반 파티

You are throwing a party for the Korean class. Make plans for the party and send an invitation. Please include an activity, date and time, as well as what people can and cannot do at a party.

한국어 반 친구들 안녕하세요,










__________(Write your name)가/이

You Speak Korean



You Speak Korean: Communicative Tasks Beyond the Classroom 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Haewon Cho. All Rights Reserved.

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