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Lesson 5 Communicative Tasks

Lesson 5

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Interpretive Communication: understand a short description of one’s weekly routines. 
  • Interpersonal Communication: set up a time to meet with another person by asking and answer questions about each other’s weekly schedule.
  • Presentational Communication: make a weekly vlog describing your weekly routines.
  • Intercultural Communication: talk about YouTube trends in South Korea

Task 1. 같이 쇼핑해요!

    • Imagine that you are a college student in Korea, and the following is your weekly schedule.  You are arranging a time to go shopping with your friend.
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
AM 학교 학교 학교 학교 도서관 카페
집 청소/요리
PM 도서관 도서관 카페
Free Free Free 운동
    • A: 우리 *이번 주에 같이 쇼핑해요. 수요일에 뭐해요? *이번 주 this week
      B: _________________________.
      A: 그럼 월요일에는 뭐해요?
      B: _________________________. 목요일 저녁은 어때요?
      A: 미안해요. 목요일 저녁에는 일해요. 일요일에는 뭐해요?
      B: _________________________. 토요일은 괜찮아요?
      A: 네, 토요일 좋아요! 아침에 쇼핑 가요.
      B: 미안해요. ________________. 저녁은 어때요?
      A: 네, 토요일 저녁 좋아요!
      B: 그럼 __________________ (Suggest where to meet)

Task 2. 먹방 유튜버의 일주일

  • A 먹방 youtuber is being interviewed about her weekly schedule.
  • Listen to her interview and fill out her weekly scheduler in Korean.
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun


Culture Note

  • 먹방 comes from the combination of the Korean word “먹다,” which means “to eat,” and “방송,” “to broadcast.” The video style originated in 2010 in South Korea, becoming a trend of someone filming themselves preparing and/or eating a meal, and it’s become widely popular across all audiences. There are many 먹방 YouTube stars in Korea, including 밴쯔, 쯔양, 문복희, and so on.
  • Beyond 먹방, there are many YouTube contents becoming viral in Korea and other places (e.g., daily vlog, travel, game, cooking, art, workout, K-pop, etc.), and more and more people are sharing their lives on this media platform. Many teenagers in Korea dream about becoming a Youtuber nowadays.

Task 3. Weekly Routine Interview Podcast

  • Imagine that you’ve become a celebrity in Korea and are being interviewed on a podcast show.
  • Think of how you would spend your week and complete your weekly scheduler. Write one activity per day in Korean, utilizing vocabulary you learned so far.
  • Audio-record yourself introducing your weekly routines.
월요일 화요일 수요일 목요일 금요일 토요일 일요일


You Speak Korean



You Speak Korean: Communicative Tasks Beyond the Classroom 1 Copyright © by Eunae Kim; Siwon Lee; and Haewon Cho. All Rights Reserved.

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